Chapter 6-Broken Trust

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W.D.Gaster's POV

It has been two days since the accident,and 27 seems to be making a full recovery.Of course,it isn't exactly a "full recovery",since his eye is permantly damaged.There is,however a way to somewhat fix his eye,but it's purely theorical.I am considering it,mainly because,if it works,he won't suffer as much as he is now.

I sent him to his room to see if he could get some rest.He's been trying to sleep,but he can't fall asleep,because of the bandages.He mostly just sits in the bed,and tries touching them cautiously as he sometimes feels pain from the contact.The procedure could stop this...but it will not be for a small cost.

Am i really going to do this?I...i need save them...he...can't understand...he is but a child.I must do this,no matter what.

Subject 27's POV

I've been trying to sleep for hours,but these stupid bandages are keeping me up.They hurt me so much.I haven't seen my eye since it got hurt...i wonder what it looks like.

The door opened,giving me a little startle.It was Gaster,but he looked...weird,like he had no expression.He had a small mirror in his left hand and a syringe on his right hand.He took a seat next to me in the bed.

"I'm going to remove the bandages so you can sleep and see what you look like."he said plainly.

I just nodded as he started to remove the bandages.Once he finished,he gave me the mirror and took the bandages.Oh wow...i still can't see from it,but i can see what it looks like.Man,it doesn't look pretty.

"I hope you know...i don't blame you for this..."i said,trying to maintain my weak smile.

"Give me your arm..."

Was he really that upset?I knew he could get angry,but his expression...i never saw anything like it,it was so plain and emotionless.I decided to just comply.He took my arm and looked for my vein.When he found it,he jammed the syringe deep into my arm.

"Ugh!!That hurt!!i yelled at him.

Gaster only stood up and looked at the watch on his wrist.Suddendly,i felt body was convulsing and my muscles seemed to lock up.I fell on the ground...i was freezing and burning at the same.It felt like my skull was going to burst!I tried putting my hands on my head,but it hurt so much to move!My vision was blurring and i started seeing shadows,surrounding my eyes!Everything hurts so much!!!

"Gaster,what's happening?!"Gaster didn't respond and started walking towards the door.

"Gaster,please!Make it stop!"He was now through the door.


The door shut behind him...

How could you do this to me?...

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