Chapter 52-Extinction By Determination

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Dante's POV

"Good,you're awake.Or at least here."

Dante opened his eyes and saw that he was in the Void with Gaster.As he got up,Gaster signaled the boy to come forth.

"Gaster?What happened?"

"This...happened."He snapped his fingers and a giant screen appeared.It showed the MTT studios covered in smoke and blazes,surrounded by police vehicles,fire trucks and ambulances.Dante was near speechless:

"No...this can't be..."

"It seems your telethon attracted some attention from the cultists.I've been watching the situation from all angles and it does not look good.There are people being executed inside as we speak,but these terrorists are beginning to flee."

Dante just looked in anger and frustration at the scene in front of him.

"Damn it!This is my fault!I knew this was a bad idea!"

"That is nonsense.You had no idea they would ever attack."

"But if I never said anything,people wouldn't be there,and they wouldn't have died!"

"Life itself is a gamble.Everything you do puts you in danger.No matter what you do,there is a chance you get hurt or hurt someone else because of your actions.You may try,but death reaches all."

"How is that supposed to make me feel better?!Their blood is on my hands!"

"That's where you're wrong.The blood is spilled over all of the invaders' hands...not yours."

Dante wanted to believe in Gaster,but he felt terrible about the whole thing.People were losing their lives over going to a stupid event.They died without meaning and no one should just lay down and die like that.

"I know what you are thinking.It's like you friend Chara said.You always have a choice and it is up to you to make it.Will you stand broken as you weep for the fallen...or will you avenge them by getting the perpetrators to justice?"

Dante remembered his oath.He saw what those people did to the crowd.Butchered.That is the only word capable of describing their atrocious crimes.If there was something that Dante hated more so than anything else...was somebody who viewed themselves as above the consequences.Every time he found one of these,he personally made sure to make them see the sins they committed...and this was no different.

"They need to pay for what they've done."


He snapped his fingers once more and the screen focused on a police officer arresting one of the gunman that attacked the studios.

"Hey!Let me go you pig!"The cop slammed the gunman's head against the truck of the police car and began frisking him.

"See anything familiar about this man?"

Dante gave a through look,but didn't find anything:"No.His identity is pretty well concealed."

"Exactly.The person who had this arranged clearly did not want his men to be recognized.Which means..."

"That is someone with a large image that can't be damaged."Dante finished:"So,someone who hates monsters and has a pretty big publicity of themselves."

"The dots seem to connect in that way,but there seems to be a piece missing."

"The person pulling the strings.But,if they hate monsters,why kill the humans?It just doesn't had up.Unless..."


"They're trying to frame us."

"An interesting theory.And it does make sense.The monsters set up an event to gather a giant crowd of people at the studios and then execute them in cold blood.Seems like the only logical explanation."

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