Chapter 22-Chill Break

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3rd person POV

"Shocker Breaker!"Asriel called down his thunderbolts.Dante side-stepped the attack and dashed straight at Asriel.With his spear in hand,Dante clashed with Asriel who summoned his Chaos Sabers.

"Some God of Hyperdeath you are..."Dante taunted Asriel,with a grin.Asriel pushed Dante off the clash and made his Sabers vanish,while breathing heavily.

"Dude...can we take a break...please?"


"We've been doing this for hours!I can't keep this up!"

"Come on!I need to get stronger!"


"For...reasons...."Dante began thinking of the followers.Ever since he talked to Sans,Dante grew concerned about this.He wanted to tell Alphys,but knowing her,she probably would get worried for what might be no reason.Of course,if Sans know who they were...there would be a reason to be worried.

"Look,man."Asriel said getting Dante's attention:"This isn't like you...whatever the reason is for making me sweat this much I need to know.I mean,seriously,I have fur,you know!"

"I just need to focus on something..."

"What do you mean?"

Dante was split.On one hand,having someone to talk to about this could help outta a lot.But,he didn't want anybody to get hurt because of him.And frankly,it was difficult to understand what was going on and the only person who knew was not telling him anything.He needed to figure this out,but what could he even do?

"Look,it's obvious you're pretty reluctant to tell me about what's bothering's okay,you don't have to tell me."Asriel said,shocking Dante a little.He wasn't really expecting him to be so understanding.

"BUT...I got another way to help you.Let's go to my house,come on!"Asriel started making his way home,with Dante following behind.

As they reached the house,Asriel made his way to his room.The room consisted of a king-size bed and green walls.There was a nightstand and a large a closet pushed against a wall.On the wall to the left of the bed,there was a window as well as desk with a computer.The walls were decked out with posters of several video games.

"You need to kick back and relax,gamer style."Asriel said,sitting in the gamer chair.

"Okay...and how do I that?"Asriel turned his computer on.The monitor was displaying a loading screen with a white circle with an orange top.

"With this baby."Dante pulled up another chair and sat besides Asriel as he finished logging in.

"And what is this,exactly?"

"This,my friend,is Overwatch."

Asriel entered a match and began explaining the rules of the game:"So,what this is,is a 1st person hero shooter,which means you choose a character who you like and you play as them."

"Okay,but what's the objective?"

"It depends.Sometimes you have to push an objective or capture a specific location,when you're attacking and prevent the capture or the other team from pushing the cart when you're defending."

"I think I'm getting it."

"Cool,now I'm gonna let you play as anyone you want.You have Offensive heroes,who make tons of damage,Defensive heroes,who are good at...defending,Tank heroes,who have a  ton of health and Support heroes,who focus on helping their team.There's a total of 25 heroes,each with a unique skill set."

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