Chapter 30-A Second Chance

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3rd person POV

"You look rather surprised to see me."His words echoed with a weird computer-like sound and weird symbols surrounded him as he spoke.

Dante,after the initial shock,faced him and summoned his spear,holding it in a defensive position.

"That was rather quick to get defensive.I merely wish to talk to you,27."

"The name's Dante."He snarled.

"Is that the one you chose for yourself?I would have picked another..."

"You're not the one to decide that."

"But alas,I am your creator."

"But not my caretaker..."Dante said with venom in his voice as he approached Gaster:"Why are you here?"

"I am here because I finally found a way into your mind."

"And how'd you find that?"Dante held the spear to Gaster throat.

Gaster knew that Dante wouldn't be able to defeat him.He didn't know how to control his new-found powers and without them,he would barely do any damage.Still,it didn't seem like the best approach in this case,so he played along.

"Is there really need for such hostility?"

"Yes.Now talk."

"Very well."He sighed:"When Sans hit you with the Gaster blaster,I felt the energy surge from the blast.Using it as a transporter,I implanted myself through my DNA print.And thus,here am I..."

"How does Sans have your Gaster blaster?"

"He son..."

Dante surprised by the response,let his defense down and made the spear vanish.He stared in awe,has he noted the resemblance between the two skeletons.


"It's true.He and Papyrus were my sons.But,after the accident,everyone seem to let go of my presence...except for Sans.Papyrus would have remembered me too,if I hadn't died when he was so young."

"How can a father do what you did to me?!"Dante yelled.This only enraged him even more,knowing that he could love and chose not to.

Gaster's expression dropped to a sad one:


"Oh!You're sorry?!Well,that makes up for it!"Dante said sarcastically.He pointed to his eye:"Sorry to say G,but your apologies don't fix my broken eye."

"I know...I regretted doing all of those awful things to you...they were...I would say inhuman,but that doesn't quite fit now,does it?"

" kinda does..."

"27,I know what I did was unforgettable.I tried to convince myself that by doing this,I would prevent future damage.But...the truth is that...those things will scar you for life.However,if you allow me,I can help you."

"I don't want your help.I trusted you and you took that confidence and smashed it as you tortured me."

"I only wanted to make you stronger.The Overworld is a dangerous place and I wanted to protect you.But as I saw,broken and afraid...I made the decision to give up..."

Dante looked confused:"Give up on what?"

"Project 27.I can explain everything but only if you wish."

Dante wondered in thought for a while.In his memories,Gaster was the main reason he suffered so much and had so many trust issues.He didn't want anything to do him,but this could be the only way that he could get any answers to questions he had ever since he was adopted.It was a tough call:learn your past or move on?

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