Chapter 18-Followed

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3rd person POV

Dante had been running for longer than he could endure.He didn't even remember which path he took.All he remembered was that he was deep in the city,and now in an alleyway.

But that was the last thing in his mind right now.Shortly after rushing from the museum,he started hearing a voice...a distorted voice,that made weird sounds like the processors of Alphys's computer.It said things like "there you go..." and "time to meet them...".It was freaking Dante out...

Dante's POV

What the in the world just happened?One moment,I'm in a museum,learning as much monster as there is,and in the next,I'm in an alleyway, did I do that?I just looked at the items and suddenly,there was a flash of light,and I was in the center of it all...

It's so confusing.Since when can I do that?Wait...was it even me who did that?Everyone...looked so scared of me...this is...too much to process.

"It's you..."I heard a voice behind me.I turned around and saw three...monsters?I couldn't tell,they looked so gray.One of them didnt't have any limbs,then there was a small one with a round head.The last one was the tallest and had one hand on his head and the other one was holding...a ghost?What is going on today?

"What are you?"I asked.

"Don't you remember us?"The small one answered:"You made us.We served our purpose."


"It's true..."The big one added:"We are pieces of your being...we served our purpose."

"What is this purpose you're talking about?..."I asked,growing in fear.

"We spread your word..."The big one said.

"We told your story..."The small added.

"We served your command..."The last one said.

They began approaching me...I backed up as they began pacing even faster,their white eyes locked dead on me...

"Stay the hell away from me!"

I turned around and started running as fast as I could.After a while of running,I was in the streets pumped with adrenaline from encountering those guys.I had to stop for a while in a street that looked empty.I grabbed the nearest wall to try and catch my breath.The people passing by looked at me like I was crazy,but I didn't care.That's when I felt a hand grabbing my shoulder.

"Get away from me!"I jumped back,ready to punch someone.

"Punk,'s me..."Undyne said looking angry.


"What in the world were you thinking?!You just left the museum,after you made a commotion!And now,you got some sort of magical ability or something!Just...hey,are you crying?"She asked,kneeling down and looking at my face.

"I'm sorry..."Tears were streaming down my face.I hadn't even thought of the others and how they were feeling...Alphys...

"Hey,it's okay...come on,cheer up!"She said,while trying to pull a reassuring grin.I just gave a her hug.She looked a little surprised...

"Undyne...can we go home now?"

"Yeah sure...come on."She said while starting to piggyback me.As she started walking,the people who were looking at me earlier gave Undyne a disgusted glare.

"HEY!THE KID HAD A ROUGH DAY,BUT I CAN MAKE YOURS EVEN WORST,IF YOU WANT ME TO.IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?!"Undyne screamed at the top of her lungs,making the bystanders disperse as quickly as possibly.

"Ignore them,punk.They're just a bunch of scaredy-cats!"She said with a confident grin.She's awesome...I couldn't help but to gave a weak smile...

(Back at Alphys's)

"Dante!I'm so glad you're okay!"Alphys said as she gave me a hug.

"What happened?"

"I started to get a panic,outta of instinct,I ran as far as I could...eventually,Undyne found me."I said.

I decided it was better to not tell her of the monsters I saw today.Something tells me that isn't the last I'll see of them,though...

"How are you feeling?"

"I don't feel any pain...but I feel...weird..."

"Weird,how exactly?"

"Like...there's something different...I feel something different...mainly in my chest..."

"Oh...I think I know what that might be."Alphys said,signaling Undyne to came forward.

Undyne put her hand in my chest and started to focus on it.Soon,a grey SOUL with a rainbow aura appeared in front of me,which I stared at in awe.

" that..."

"Your SOUL,yeah..."Alphys said:"I want you to breathe and hold it,so I can examine it,okay?"

"Yeah sure."I said as I grabbed it gently.It floated in my hands as I put them under it.Alphys went to her desk and brought a weird black box device.She then hovered the device over my SOUL:

Dante LV1

18/20 ATK 27 DEF 27

This human appears to be some sort of hybrid.

"There doesn't seem to be any sort of major physical condition."Alphys said.

"What's a hybrid?"I asked,reading the text in the box.

"It's a combination of two things."

Wait...what does that mean?A combination of two things?But...if a part of me is human...then what's the other part?

"Well,you just need to eat something and you should be just fine."Alphys said.

I decided it was better to not question the hybrid thing.It just sounds like everyone is tired from today,including me...

"Okay then.Listen,Alphys,I just wanted to say...I'm sorry to worry you like that...I just acted on impulse,and I didn't think about the people around me."

"It's okay,Dante.The important thing is that you're not hurt."Alphys said with a small smile.

""I said.

Alphys immediately began stuttering while Undyne was trying not to laugh at her reaction.

"Jeez,Alphys.You took care of him,whatcha expect was gonna happen?!"Undyne gave a remark.

"I di-didn't th-th-think th-that y-y-you s-saw me li-like th-that..."

"I'm sorry.Is it unappropriated?"

"N-no!I-It ju-just...I-I ju-just I-I do-don't se-see my-myself li-like th-that an-and st-stuff..."

Wow,that really made her embarrassed.She even started talking like Bratty and Catty!

"Okay."I said trying to contain a giggle:"I won't you call that.Okay then,I'm going to bed now,see ya."

"NA-AH!"Undyne said as she grabbed me of the floor by the collar of my shirt."First,we need to talk about something."


"According to Alphys,YOU summoned those weapons,RIGHT?"

"Yeah...I mean I think so..."

"That means you're gonna need training,so...You are gonna go with me tomorrow to the forest to watch my training with Chara,so you can learn some things!"Undyne said with a toothy grin.

"Undyne,are you sure about this?"Alphys asked a little concerned.

"Does that mean I can summon the weapons on command like your spears?"

"If everything goes well..."

"Then I'm in!"I said,really excited.If I could do that stuff...that would be AMAZING!!!

"Okay,then it's settled.Be here by 5 pm,punk!"

Wow!It might actually be able to have magic.I can't believe it.Gotta say,this is not what I was expecting when I woke up today...It's WAY BETTER!!!

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