Chapter 53-Hope Of Seeing You Again

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Dante's POV

"Now we don't where they are or what they're plotting."

Me and the team made our way back to the embassy and gathered everyone in the meeting room,so we could inform them what was going on.

"But wait.If they were there for the extractor,why is it still there?Shouldn't they have taken it?"Alphys asked.

"That's what I found weird too.They never took the extractor,but Sullivan sounded content when he left."

"We must have stopped his plan and now he's probably thinking of alternatives on how to improvise.I mean,we know his identity now."Asriel stated.

"I don't think it is gonna be that simple brother.Determination is something he can't just remove from his plan.He was gonna use it for something...but what it might be is probably the biggest question."

"Augmentation is the most probable answer."Alphys explained:"Determination in larges amounts has shown to be a trigger for human magic.Usually,there is a peek of it and magic begins flowing through the individual."

"if he was to use it on his soldiers,they could wield magic and make their arsenal a whole lot more dangerous."Asgore putted.

"Then we need to find them!I can get every single Royal Guard on the lookout.There is no way an entire force could hide with the entire city being turned upside-down,I'm sure of it!"Undyne blurred out.Her anger towards the situation was visible as her veins popped out from her neck and muscles. 

"Yes,we should do that.But there is one more thing."Frisk inquired.

"what is it?"

"If he was looking for Determination and he couldn't get it in the Lab,he might wanna find some more,probably in people."

"But then...what about the SOULs he left to die in the telethon?Why didn't he collect those?"Alphys asked.

"Sullivan must have thought that the sacrifice was necessary.He would let some SOULs go to waste,so that he could get the extractor and harvest the next batch."Chara answered.Her expression was filled with disgust as she probably thought of the Sullivan and his men.

"Then that means they could attack at any moment and at any places with a large density of population."I concluded.

Everyone looked at Asgore.He sighed as he thought of a solution to the problem at hand.This situation was one of the most complicated yet,but he kept his thoughts focused and collected.

"We can't watch every single human in the city.The Royal Guard could try,but there isn't enough personnel."

"Then let's aware humans."Asriel suggested:"We convince Mayor Fox to give a warning about the treat going around.That way,humans will stay close to monsters."

"And monsters are not meant to be attacked by Sullivan's orders.Good thinking Azzy!"I agreed as Asgore stood up.

"Alright.We'll see what we can do.In the meantime,those who do not have a task assigned should see what they can do around the embassy.I will contact Mr.Fox as soon as possible and explain everything.Meeting adjourned."

Everyone got up and started leaving the room.As I was about to leave,Chara catched up to me.

"Hey Dante."I turned around to listen:"I...I was just wondering...are we okay?"

I sighed at the statement:"Look,I didn't mean to...well,I meant it.I just...want you trust me on this,but I understand your reasoning."

"Actually,you're right.I've been overstepping boundaries.I tend to do that sometimes.But you kill with ease and...that scares me a bit."

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