Chapter 35-Deadly Duo

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Dante's POV

Blurry vision and can barely walk...yep,definitely a dream.Okay,so where am I?

"'ve been busy,huh?"I heard a voice speaking behind me.I looked back to see Sans talking to someone...I can't see who though.

"lemme ask you a you think that even the worst person can change?that no matter how much hurt they've caused...they can still be a good person?"

I heard a footstep after Sans's question.Looking in the direction of the steps,I saw a young Frisk.He was wearing his old striped sweater and holding a knife.The knife and his clothes were all dusty and he had a blank expression on his face.

"heh heh heh.okay,'s a better question for ya.Do you wanna have a bad time?cause if you take another step forward,you're really not gonna like what happens next..."Sans sounded really threatening.Frisk responded with another step.What the heck is he doing?

"welp,sorry old lady.this is why i don't keep promises."Suddenly,a small breeze traveled across the room and birds could be heard chirping:"it's a beautiful day outside.birds are singing,flowers are blooming.on days like these,kids like you...Should be burning in hell."

Sans launched a barrage of attacks that was overwhelming.From bones to telekinesis to Gaster blasters,Frisk was pierced and blasted so hard that he collapsed,his SOUL appearing and shattering into bits.

"Sans,NO!"I screamed as I saw Frisk die,but I forgot that no one can actually hear me in these dreams.Maybe because they are memories...but that can't be right.

I'm pretty sure that Frisk wasn't killed by Sans.So,this can't be a memory.There has to be some sort of explanation to this.

Out of nowhere,the room turned completely black for a split second,before reappearing with Sans and Frisk in the exact same positions.

" look really pissed off...guess i'm pretty good at my job..."

Sans launched the same combo of attacks,but this time Frisk was able to survive the attack,still getting severely damaged.

"uh.i always wondered why people never use their strongest attack."His eye began glowing as he shrugged:"here we go."

(Time Skip)

Sans has been fighting harder than I've ever seen!Frisk is slowly advancing through the pattern of attacks,but he still keeps dying.

Through the entire fight,Sans has been talking about an anomaly.Something or someone with the ability to destroy timelines and worlds.He also seems to be implying that Frisk is that anomaly.Meanwhile,I'm standing here unsure of what is going on.

An anomaly with powers to turn back the clock?Sounds like something straight out of a sci-fi show.Yet,it does explain something weird.Sans seems to be killing Frisk multiple's not the same moment over and over.Every time Frisk dies,Sans counts the number of times he has beaten him and taunts him.It's like he remembers every time the clock is set back.

Frisk is on his seventh attempt and he's lasting a lot longer than the other times.Sans is even sweating,which I thought I would never see!

"that being said,you like swinging that thing around.listen,i know you didn't answer me before but...somewhere in there...there's a glimmer of a good person,i can feel it.someone who once wanted to do the right thing.someone who,maybe in another time could've been...a friend?just lay down your weapon and...well,my job will be a whole lot easier."

Sans was sparing him...

The room turned completely black once more,but this time the clock didn't RESET.

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