Chapter 23-Birthday

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3rd person POV

Dante and Asriel were at Pixel Junction,the local arcade in the city.The two were playing an old school fighting game,and getting pretty competitive at it...

"Wombo Combo!"Asriel said mashing a series of buttons.

"You're just button mashing!"

"Only matters if I win."

Dante took his opportunity at Asriel's cockyness and began to string several combos together.

"Which you won't..."Dante took the last sliver of Asriel's health with a fatal blow.

"K.O."The announcer said,making Dante fist-bump the air.


"Wait,what?!How did you do that?"

"Skills,Mr.button-masher."He said making a cocky grin:"If you want,I can rematch ya...".

Asriel was about to answer as he got a text:"Everything is ready."

"Actually,we should go home."

"Jeez,you really are a sore loser."They both chuckled a little at the comment.

"That's not it.Come on,I wanna show you something."

"Oh...what?"Dante asked intrigued.

"I'm not gonna tell's a surprise."

"Come on,just tell me."

"You'll just have to wait and see."

Asriel made his way to the exit and waited for Dante,who was pouting due to his secrecy.


"Fine!I'm coming..."Dante made his way to Asriel and the two made their way to Asriel's house.

Upon arriving,Asriel opened the door for Dante:

"You first..."

Dante looked at the room,it was pitch dark with no light.

"This is a prank,isn't it?"

"No!Of course not!Do you really think I would do that?"Asriel gave an angry glare at Dante.

"Yes."He answered nonchalantly.

"Look just go in!"

"No way.This is clearly a prank."

"Fine,then."Asriel let go of the door and pushed Dante inside.

"Hey!Get your paws off me!Asriel,you..."Dante tried to struggle,but Asriel was taller than him so there wasn't much he could do.Once inside,Asriel closed the door.

"There...see?No pranks."

"Fine.Could you at least turn on the lights?"

Asriel gave a quick giggle,which made Dante a little worried:"Sure thing!"

"SURPRISE!"A large agglomerate of the voices could be heard from behind Dante,as he jumped from the startle.It was every monster he ever met:the canine unit,the skeleton brothers,the Dreemurs.Everyone was here.

"What's going on?"Dante asked surprised.

"It's your birthday,man!"Asriel said.


"Since you don't remember your actual date of birth,we made one for you.Everyone should have a day like this."Alphys said.

"YEAH!"Undyne butted in.

"Plus,if you remember correctly..."Chara joined in:"It was one year from today that we found you sleeping in Dad's buttercup patch."

It hit Dante hard.It really had been a year since he was taken in by the monsters.He couldn't believe was still kinda unbelievable how people who didn't know anything about him,took him in and cared for him.Now this...they really were kind people...

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