Chapter 11-My Name

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3rd person POV

Alphys left the lab,while still holding the boy's hand.Her lab was located in Hotland Avenue,one of the 5 mains locations within Monster Village.This area was particularly known for the MTT Studios,where celebrities like Mettaton recorded their shows,movies and even songs.

They started walking through the avenue surrounded by monsters left and right,to Waterfall Street,where Alphys lived with her girlfriend,Undyne.However,while walking,Alphys could feel her hand being squeezed tighter and tighter.When she looked at the boy,he was looking a little frightened.

"What's wrong?"Alphys asked him.

"They...look kinda...i dunno,they just..."

"It's okay."Alphys interrupted"They are not gonna hurt you."

"I'm not trying to be offensive!It's just..."

"I's okay,really."Alphys reassured giving the boy a smile.He couldn't help to give a small chuckle.

 As they reached Waterfall Street,the boy felt more comfortable with the monsters around,perhaps due to Alphys's presence.Before reaching Alphys's house,they came across a temmie.

"hOI!!!im temiie!!oh!!a human!!"The temmie began shaking with excitement.

"You...Are...So...CUTE!!!"The boy said as he picked up the temmie and pet it.

"WAIT,DON'T!"Alphys said.

"Why?What's wrong?"The boy asked in confusion.Alphys only pointed at the temmie.

"Oh..."The temmie was covered in zits and rashes.

"human,so CUTE!!tem allergic,though!"

"I'm so sorry!"

"tem okay!!tem forgive!!"Saying this,the temmie freed itself from the boy's grasp and ran along through the street,until it was outta sight.

"Don't worry.Temmies know how to deal with that.Let's keep going.We're almost there."Alphys said as she once more took the boy's hand.

They reached a structure that looked like a giant fish sculpted house.The drive way seemed to lead to a small garage,with a large grey pick-up truck in it.Alphys opened the door,only to find that Undyne seemed to be practicing her cooking.

"NNNNGGGGAAAAHHHHH!!!"Undyne screamed as dozens of spears flew straight into a bowl.

"Oh!Hey Alphys.Who's that?"The boy was shivering behind Alphys,while staring at Undyne.

"Undyne!Please,you're scaring him!Unsummon your spears,okay?"

"Sorry,sorry...Cooking got a little intense..."She said as made all her spears vanish.

"Undyne,i need to speak to you...privately.Alphys said,signaling her finger to the boy behind her.

The boy,curious,began to look around the house.The entrance was a combination of a living room and a kitchen.The living room consisted of a large pink couch,facing a giant TV plasma screen,while in the middle,there was a large coffee table,with some remotes on top of it.The kitchen was composed of a small counter with some stools on it's side.Against the wall,there were two large fridges,but one of them was way hotter than the other.There was also a small stove with 4 burners.The walls of the room seemed to be cyan with a pattern of small fishes.

"Pretty cool house,uh?"The boy turned around where he saw Undyne,admiring her house.

"So...uh...sorry about the whole spear thing...didn't knew we were having people over.Anyways,the name's Undyne.Nice to meet you,punk!"She said,holding out her hand.

"It's fine."The boy said shaking her hand.Undyne shook his hand as hard as she could.

"'re kinda hurting my hand..."The boy said shyly.

Undyne,realizing her own force,let go of the hand.

"Sorry,sometimes I don't even know my own force.Hehe!"Undyne grinned,as the boy rubbed his hand.

Alphys walked into the conversation:"Hey!If you're ready,we can go and chose a name for you!"

"Oh yeah!You're going to need a name.We can't just keep calling you "punk"The boy nodded at Undyne.

The three sat on the couch as Alphys moved the remotes from the coffee table and placed a book on the table.

"Names for your anime OC's."The boy read the title out loud,making Alphys a little flustered.

"Seriously Alph?"Undyne smirked as she looked at Alphys's blush.

"I thought maybe...he deserved a cool name,you know?"The boy started to scroll through the pages of the book.

"Hatsune?"The boy suggested.

Undyne tried to hold her laugh:"That's a girl name,punk!"

"Oh...okay."He scrolled some more:"How about Neko?"

"That's a species of cute cats..."Alphys said,picturing the boy as small kitty.


"NO!NO!!NO!!!"Undyne and Alphys screamed in unison.

"Okay,okay...jeez..."The boy scrolled some more until he found a name that appealed him.

"That one!No doubt in my mind!"The boy said,while pointing to a name.

"You sure,punk?"Undyne asked for confirmation.

"Yes!"The boy stood up,proudly.

"From now on,my name is..."


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