Chapter 55-The Sacrifices We Make

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3rd person POV

The Delta community sat once more in the meeting room.The silence was deafening as glares of gloom and anger were exchanged by the members.

Asgore was in complete silence.He couldn't even say anything at the atrocity that had happened just a couple of hours ago.He was more concerned for Toriel than anything else.She had seen everything first hand and despite the fact she was trying to stay strong,it was clear to him that she was in verge of breaking down.

"We...I can't...this is..."He tried to speak,but couldn't.At that moment,Dante smashed his fist against the table and got up to pace around the room.


"He needs to pay.This is officially a manhunt!Sullivan will answer for his sins!Right!Now!"

"Dante!"Chara yelled at him,pointing to Toriel.Dante kept his expression as he laid his palms on the table,thinking on how to track down Sullivan.

"He's right..."Toriel putted,making everyone look at her.Some looks revealed shock from her sudden statement:"Sullivan is a hate-filled man with nothing but destruction on his mind.I once thought the same of you Asgore,but now I see what those people are really like.They need to be stopped...especially Sullivan."

"Now we're talking."Dante stated:"We need to focus the Guard on finding this guy.We take him down,the rest will be powerless."

"But how?We don't have any idea on how to find him!"Undyne blurred out.

"We need to do something fast!Otherwise,more and more people are gonna keep dying!"

A silence settled as they thought of solutions,but it was a rather difficult situation to handle.But nonetheless,after an exchange of looks and a nod from Asgore,Undyne spoke up:

"Red.She.might know where Sullivan might be."

"Why's that?"

"Because I assigned her to track him down.After you guys told me that he was the one who set the attack,I gave Red the order.She's been tracking him this whole time,but I don't know if she found anything.

"We need to find her!"Dante putted.

"Very well.Undyne tell Sans Red's location so he can get the intel from her."

"She's in the Core.That's where she likes to plan ahead for."

"ok.i'll get right on it."With that Sans vanished and the others waited for him to get back.

"I hope Red knows here he is."Asgore commented.

(Time Skip)

"alright.i have the location."Sans had reappeared and informed,making everyone gather around him.

"Well?!"Undyne was getting impatient.It's not like they waited for a long time,but she was never one to wait during a time that required action.

"everyone.could i get a moment with the kid?"

"Me?Why?"Dante asked.

"just to talk about some things."

"What things?!Sans,we don't have time for this!"Undyne rushed at him.

"Sans,Undyne has a point."Asgore agreed.

"five minutes.that's all i'm asking."

Asgore exchanged some looks with Undyne,who nodded begrudgingly.

"Very well.We will be waiting outside."Asgore and the others began leaving the room.Once they were alone,Sans gave a sigh and looked at Dante straight in the eyes.

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