Chapter 3-Personality Test

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W.D.Gaster's POV

It's been several weeks since 27 tried to...anyway;other than that,he seems rather cooperative and does everything that i instruct him to do.He seems quite gifted,being able to quickly master his teachings.This could be a side effect of the wizards' magic being already perfected before using his SOUL as a vessel.My DNA might also be the cause behind his natural talent.But that's not important.What is important is that significant progress is being made.

"So what are we doing today?"27 asked,clearly excited.We were in the battle arena where i first showed him his SOUL.But today we are trying something different.

"Today,we're gonna see which of your traits is the strongest."


"Yes.You see,there are 7 types of human magic,all with their own traits,and usually,there is one per human.However,you possess all seven and we are gonna see which is dominant."

"Wait,if i have the 7 traits,does that mean i have 7 SOULS?"he asked

"No."i said,making him a little disappointed."You only have one SOUL,meaning that your traits are distributed differently."

"Aww.I wanted 7 SOULS."

"Believe me,you wouldn't want that."i said bitterly

I still remember the form the young prince took,before the destruction of the barrier...his Angel of Death form.He not only gained the power to erase the entire world,but he went from a soulless being to feeling every emotion in every SOUL in the entire underground.No one should go through what Asriel had to.

"Hey Gaster,are you okay?"27 said,snapping me back to reality.

I quickly discarded the thought:"Yes,i'm work."

Subject 27's POV

Well,that was weird.I've never seen Gaster zone out like that.I didn't have time to think about it,though.The only thing i noticed was Gaster pressing a button on a small remote and a machine elevating from a trapdoor,that i had no idea that was there.Man,this place is more complicated than i originally thought.

"This here is the Magic Analyzer."Gaster began explaining"It will allow us to examine your SOUL and chart your traits.Now,sit in the chair and relax your muscles."

I was skeptical at first,but i went with it,strapping myself in the machine.After,Gaster pressed a button and the capsule of the machine closed,with me in it.Anxious wouldn't be the word i'd use to describe my mood when the capsule closed,and the sounds that the thing was making didn't help,at all.However,i tried to just relax my muscles and go with the flow.And eventually,it was over.

"Now,was that so bad?"Gaster said,as i unstrapped myself and exited the capsule of the machine.Gaster thought that he shouldn't do all the work himself,so he trusted me to do my work,like getting in his gizmos.

"Nah,i think i nailed it."i grinned,while Gaster frowned and walked to a part of the machine that seemed to print some sort of paper.

"Now for the results...hmmm..."

"What?What is it?Is it good or bad?"

"I'd said good."he elaborated"It appears that your SOUL has no dominant fact,the traits are equally split,meaning that you are able to master each type of human magic,without having specialties."

"That sounds...complicated...and AWESOME!!!"i said"So,how do i do magic?"

"Shouldn't you rest?Aren't you tired?"

"No way.I'm way to excited to start.Come on,tell me what i can do.And no secrets!"i said,pouting

He grow a small smile seeing my attitude:"Okay then.But just once,even if it doesn't work,okay?"i nodded,barely containing my excitement

"According to the machine,your human magic is Arsenal Magic,the ability to recreate a weapon out of your SOUL.Having the seven types equally,you should be able to recreate seven different weapons.So try it.Imagine yourself summoning one of them."

I remembered my training from the SOUL summoning and tried doing the same.I focused as hard as i could and closed my eyes...and when i opened them,in my hands,was a crimson crystal spear,made of a stick and a knife blade.I awed and raised it up high,quite proud of myself.

W.D.Gaster's POV

"Shocking"it was all i could think,but i shouldn't be surprised.He tends to surpass expectations.Yet,a weapon made out of magic crystal is something only the very dedicated have achieved,like the Captain of the Royal Guard,Undyne.But,why do i get the feeling that i've seen that knife blade before?

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