Chapter 1

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Dedicated Chapter Song: Dollhouse - Melanie Martinez

Please don't let them look through the curtains

Please don't let them look through the curtains

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"This is the place," Cullen whistled to his comrade. Anna glanced around what seemed to be an empty and abandoned town. "This is that Shinganshina place? Looks like more than Hell broke loose here," she observed. "Right, let's get the job done and get back to HQ. We're here for any valuable artifacts that Boss can make a profit off of." Anna darted her heterochromia eyes- one gold, one blue- around the town. "17 of these things," she stated. "5 in the direction I was planning on heading. I've got them easy. Think you can handle the ones on the West Side?" Anna turned her gaze to the curly blond-haired rebel. He responded with an arrogant grin. "Don't you know who you're talking to? I'm the Commander of the Violet Masqueraders!"

      Anna only grinned wider than him. "And I'm Second in Command, Commander. Now, I'd suggest you move your arse. These things are starting to give you the hungry eyes." she winked, then sprinted and hopped across the rooftops, letting her leather trench coat fly in the wind. "Come at me, you filth!" she reached behind her and pulled two daggers out from their sheaths on her back. A male monster was stumbling about the narrow streets. "Easy takedown," Anna leaped off the edge on the roof, arching her back in mid-air before slamming down on the back of the 7-meter tall monster's neck. It let out a loud groan of pain before slowly falling to the ground. Anna yanked her blades from the thing's neck and hopped up to a nearby balcony, throwing the set of daggers up there before pulling herself up. "Next?" she eyed a female giant who reached out to grab her. She sprung high up in the air and landed on the giant's arm, running straight for its neck. It reached up to try and grab her, but she planted her daggers into its mid-back, hopping over and using them to climb up to the monster's weak spot. She used her blades to stab every other foot of the monster's back until she could cleanly slice its neck. Just like the last, it fell to the ground. She braced for impact with the ground, and when she did, she rolled off the thing into a summersault.

      Anna uprighted herself and smirked as the path down the street was completely clear. Shoving her daggers back into their scabbards, she took off running for the nearby church. There had to be some kind of holy objects there that Boss could sell. She'd finally earn her dinner in over a week! The thought of a steamy potato warmed her mind and her mouth salivated. A smile appeared on her face as she heard another monster fall by Cullen's hands. Anna didn't know what these things were called, but she didn't care. Boss told her of the weak spot that would kill them, and that was all she needed to know. Boss and the rest of the Violet Masqueraders were on a "need-to-know" basis, and they only needed to know how to kill these beasts. She'd trained hours upon hours with ones the Elites has captured. Eventually, she became the top soldier alongside Cullen; both of them moved up through the ranks and were fighting these so-called Military Police. Many lives had been taken by Anna's hands, but she never regretted it.

      How could she when was doing her best to stay alive? In her world, the one the VMs live in, secrets were traded as a form of currency. They lived underground in the dark, deep, deep down where the sun would never shine. The first time Anna ever experienced the sunlight she screamed and shouted that it burned. Since then she's grown used to the sun, in fact, she'd even bask in it in her free-time. Being quite petite and small, Anna made the perfect thief, as she was able to move quickly on her feet and could sneak into tight spaces. Every week Boss would send her on missions to do some of the most dangerous things imaginable. She messed up last week and lost her meal privileges until she earned her title as Second in Command back again.

      Nothing was going to stand in her way of showing her family she was strong and could do the mission properly this time. There'd been many she just considered running away with Cullen and starting a new life on the surface ground. Word of something called the Survey Corps spread to the Underlands (as the VMs liked to call it),  and almost instantly Cullen and Anna decided to make a pact to eventually join them if they ever got out of the Underlands. They knew in their hearts they didn't want to be thieves forever.

      Anna finally reached the church and kicked open the doors, scanning around for anything valuable. She cackled upon spotting the golden chalices, the crosses and the Bibles scattered everywhere. These things were worth a fortune in the marketplace. Maybe she'd keep a Bible or two to sell for herself and add to her secret stash of money. She'd been saving up to afford two forged citizenship documents for her and Cullen to live on the surface. She'd heard the Trost District was the simplest to fake citizenship for, so her goal was to afford a document from there. She grabbed the artifacts and stuffed them into the satchel attached to her hip. "I need to find Cullen and retreat to the Underlands," she said to herself. As she turned to exit the church she screamed in shock as the giant reaching its hand through the door to grab her. "Don't touch me, filth!" she spat, back-flipping away from its hand and landing in a crouch position. Her gold and blue eyes both shimmered in the ray of sunlight that shone through the cracked blinds of the church. Anna turned and dashed to the other side of the church, raising her arms to block her face as she dove through the glass window. She assumed the monster heard her, and quickly hopped up onto an abandoned caravan, then leaped to a barred window, using that to pull herself up onto the roof. "Cullen!" she called, seeing him in about a 1-inch blond blur a mile away.

      The Titan was catching up with her. She didn't panic. She hopped from roof to roof in a somewhat zig-zag pattern, attempting to confuse the beast. It tried to slam its over-sized fists onto her and crush her, but she was too quick, jumping back on its arm and running up it. It moved so slow that she had enough time to whip out a smoke bomb and throw it into the monster's face, temporarily blinding it. It shouted in anguished pain as she sliced its face on her simple strut to its back. "Look, I'm doing you a favor, filth. You don't like seeing me alive, I don't like seeing you at all. So, let's just make a deal. I'll kill you, and you'll die. Got it?" she swiped her arm fast across her chest and sliced the monster's neck. It gave out its last cry before falling down dead. Anna jumped back onto the rooftops and smirked, clearly proud of herself. "Good. Thanks for cooperating." she turned on her heel and ran off towards the West Side. "Cullen! I've got enough!" she shouted when he was in earshot. Cullen waved at her as he had slain another giant, leaping off and onto the roof near him. He ran towards her as she did to him. When they came together again, she had a maniacal look on her face. "Boss will be so proud of us, Cull! I've got enough to have rations for a month AND afford those two documents!"

      Cullen smiled, proud of his comrade. "I got several pieces of jewelry left behind by some corpses. I'm sure they're valuable. The rest of the VMs are gonna be so jealous." Together they walked to the edge of the roof and jumped off, both landing in a superhero-like crouch. "Ready?" Anna giggled and went to take off before she saw someone's arms and a black sack cover Cullen's face. Her eyes widened and she went to scream, but soon the same happened to her. The last thing she remembered seeing before she was knocked unconscious was Cullen's terrified face and a strange badge on a brown jacket. Anna remembered everything. Even the scent of her captor. Lemon and mint.

 Lemon and mint

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