Chapter 2

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Dedicated Chapter Song: Gasoline - Halsey

You can't wake up, this is not a dream. You're part of a machine, you are not a human being.

 You're part of a machine, you are not a human being

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      Lemon and mint. Horses. Distant talking, though muffled. Anna's head pounded and her heart raced as she realized she was in the back of a carriage, her hands tied and her head bagged. "It's awake." she heard someone mumbled. "Her breathing has changed and she's stiffened." she heard a man grunt. "No matter," said a completely monotone voice. "Whether it's awake or not, it's still heading to the same fate. I'm certain she and the blond punk will have a short-lived trial if I have anything to say about it. The two of them moved quite well and managed to survive and kill several titans without any maneuver gear. That's rather impressive."

      "I doubt even you can do that, Corporal Levi!" a cheery voice piped up. The man referred to as Levi snorted. "I'd watch your tongue, Hanji. Unless you'd like to clean my office this week?" the cheery voice known as Hanji whined. "Aaaaw, come oooon, Corporal. When am I ever allowed to tease you anymore?" the carriage came to a sudden halt. Anna listened as there was shouting and she felt the weight in the carriage shift. She assumed she had arrived at where she was to be executed alongside Cullen. Her breathing became rapid as she was grabbed roughly and yanked out the carriage. "Move!" was barked at her. She stumbled blindly as she was guided inside some kind of a building. It was cold, but she could feel the presence of dozens of eyes on her. Cullen. Where was Cullen? She listened closely for his breathing and calculated that he was only about a foot away from her. Anna was shoved down to her knees, to which she let out a groan, but obeyed. Her hands were chained to what felt like a pole.

      Cullen was attached to the same pole, on the opposite side. They were back to back, that much she knew. The hoods were finally ripped off their heads and Anna winced at the sudden light on her too-pale skin. They appeared to be in some form of a courtroom, with a jury, a judge, and the prosecutors and defenders. "Stay calm, A," Cullen said lowly. "If we die, we'll together." Anna raised her head as the trial against them began. "Anna Urrie and Cullen Gretzky," spoke the judge. "Those are your names, correct?" he eyed the two of them. Anna straightened up. "Correct," she stated. "sir." she later added. Cullen only nodded. "The two of you are wearing garbs of the Violet Masqueraders. Tell the Military Police and the Scout Regiment, are you or are you not members of the VM?" the judge demanded. Anna nor Cullen spoke. The room filled with chatter. "Answer us!" the judge demanded. Anna whimpered but remained stiff. Neither one of them would budge.

      It was the Masquerader's code. If you are caught, you will die and our secrets will die with you. Both Urrie and Gretzky knew this risk, and they pledged their lives to it. "The two of you are on trial for the deaths of 23 Military Police, 3 members of the Survey Corps, arson, battery, robbery, and a laundry list of other felonies. Any objections?" Their lips were sealed. This caused tension in the courtroom and shouts that they should just kill the two rebels. "What were the two of you doing in the Shinganshina District?" No reply.

"Where did you learn to fight like that?"

"How do you fight without proper weapons and maneuver gear?"

"Who is your employer?"

      "Enough!" a faintly familiar voice shouted. The room went dead silent. Anna sniffed the air. Lemon and mint. The one she assumed to be Levi strutted into the room. He had that look Anna liked to call "resting bitch face" upon his façade of a face.  He was rather short, she observed, though even the shortest man in the room was still about an inch taller than her. Her gold and blue heterochromia eyes sparkled, reflecting his dead silver eyes. "So, you refuse to talk, brats? Hmph. I have ways of making you." he grabbed Anna by the hair and yanked her hair back, exposing her neck. She gasped and glared at the man, her teeth clenched. When he was closer she realized she was wrong. It wasn't just lemon and mint. There were hints of lavender, and what smelled faintly of bleach. His silver eyes pierced into hers. "What did filth like you have interest in with Holy objects?"

     Anna grinned smugly at him. "Oh, we were just planned on summoning the Anti-Christ. Was that a problem, Levi?" she giggled. His nose twitched before he backhanded her across the face. she gasped and coughed, not expecting that. Cullen screamed at him. "Get your hands off of her, you deranged midget!" he shouted, struggling against his restraints. Levi looked at Cullen blankly and walked over to face him "What did you call me, pig?" Levi hissed. Cullen laughed viciously at the short man. "You heard me." Anna craned her head to see Levi swiftly kick Cullen. She gasped and made a throaty sound. "C-Cull..." she wiggled in her restraints. Levi, pleased with the reaction from Anna, continued to repeatedly kick Cullen, even knocking one of his perfect teeth out. Cullen's face was all bloody. "Forgive me," said Levi. "but I find violence to be the best solution to everything."

      "Leave him alone! He has no part in any of this! I'm the one who killed all those people! Cullen only tagged along!" Anna lied. Levi scoffed. " your lie is, girl, we saw the two of you fighting in Shinganshina and looting the buildings." A man from the Scout Regiment stood up. He had hair blonder than Cullen and piercing blue eyes. "As commander of the Survey Corps, I, Erwin Smith, propose that we let Anna and Cullen join our ranks! We will reinstate them as Scouts and use their thieving abilities to reclaim Wall Maria. They seem to have enough experience in that area as it is." He sat back down, to which a man in the Military Police stood instead. "My name is Nile Dok. I am the commander of the Military Police. Our recommendation is to gather any information pertaining to Anna Urrie and Cullen Gretzky and that they know of the Violet Masqueraders. Then we dispose of them immediately afterward. For the greater good of humanity, after we've received the desired information, we will declare them fallen warriors and leave it at that."

      Levi only cocked his head, eyeing the startled Anna, shaking nervously as she was scared to be hit by him. "No," he finally spoke. "They'll be put into my squad. If they try to do anything or run away, I will kill them." gasps and murmurs crowded Anna's delicate ears. "Levi-" Erwin attempted to say. "Order!" Levi shouted, his eyes narrowing as he focused specifically on Anna "I have made my decision."


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