Chapter 62

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Dedicated Chapter Song: Hit Me Like A Man - The Pretty Reckless

So hit me like a man and love me like a woman. It's a version of perversion that is only for the lucky people.

      An embellishment of flowers was tossed upon Anna's head, while Hanji giggled in delight

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      An embellishment of flowers was tossed upon Anna's head, while Hanji giggled in delight. "Happy Birthday!" Anna tensed at the sudden crown of flowers on her head. "The this?" she looked up at it. Hanji grinned. "A flower crown! Look, I got Levi one too!" she pulled him over. He had his usual grumpy expression on his face, which Anna mirrored. "I couldn't think of what else to get you so..." Hanji shrugged. Levi scoffed, pulling out a wooden box from behind him. "Tch. Here's something she'll actually appreciate, four eyes."

      Anna opened the box, gaping at the beautiful metal objects inside. "I... love them..." she grinned, taking up the double daggers from the velvet on the inside. The hilts were made of leather and the daggers curved in a way that Anna knew could wrap around a throat or limb. "They're so perfect I could marry them." she gawked at the beauties.

       "Well, you're marrying the one who gave them to you so," Hanji shrugged. "Close enough." Anna stroked the blades, her eyes and smile wide. "My babies..." she cooed. Levi frowned. "I should have known she'd be obsessed."

      Anna's eyes flashed as she flicked out her wrist, tossing the blade just barely passed Levi's ear and towards Rose, who'd just come around the corner. She didn't blink as she simply raised her hand and grabbed the knife by the blade, stopping it just centimeters from her face. "Really, Anna?" she asked, her blood staining the dagger. "Do we have to have another talk about this? For God's sake, Levi, why did you buy her new weapons?" Rose sighed.

      "Was I not supposed to?" he asked flatly. Rose sighed, shaking her head. "Anna just cares more about weapons than anyone or anything. Especially new ones. You'll never be able to pry her fingers from those." she stated. "Heeey..." Anna whined. "I care about people."

      "Name one person you care more about than weapons." Rose taunted. "You, Levi, Hanji, Erwin, Mike, Nanaba, Eren, Sasha, Armin, Jean, Connie, Mikasa- even though she's a bit of a bitch to me- am I missing anybody?" Anna named off. Levi watched her in amusement.

      "Who are you and what you down with Anna Urrie?" Rose clicked her tongue. "Urrie died the second I joined the Scouts. She's the ghost of who I once was and never will be again." Anna said proudly. Rose's eyes darkened and she mumbled something that only Anna could hear thanks to her advanced hearing. It sounded like Rose had said "Hysteria", which made Anna instantly turn away. "Anyways, shouldn't the two of you be off to Shinganshina tonight?" Anna looked to Levi and Hanji. "Right." Levi nodded, running his fingers through his hair. "You'll be leaving sometime tomorrow, isn't that right?" Hanji asked. 

      "Yeah, sometime in the afternoon." Anna nodded. "Sadly, the plan requires me to stay here with Rose as her vanguard trusts me more than you guys as I was once one of them." she shrugged her shoulders, looking up to the sky. "We'd better hurry. The sun's gone down. It'll be dangerous to go outside Wall Rose in the dark. Wish we had a larger supply of night-goggles." she mumbled, looking to Rose. "I only had enough for my men to fight the Titans in the dark."

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