Chapter 45

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Dedicated Chapter Song: Weight of The World - Evanescence

I won't be held down by who I used to be.
She's nothing to me.

She's nothing to me

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      "Nnngh...what happened...?" Anna sat up on a metal bunk, rubbing her head as it pounded. Looking around the room, she noticed she was in a cell back at the Scout Regiment headquarters. "You're awake." Levi's voice rang in her ears. She looked over at him, seeing he was leaning against the wall, Erwin sitting in a chair at his side. Hanji was nervously off to the side, scribbling down notes. "How do you feel?" Hanji asked. 

      Anna ruffled her pale hair. "Like hot shit. What happened?" she asked. "You turned into a Titan." Levi said flatly. "You happened to kill your Boss in the process." Commander Erwin said. "Huh..." her lips curled up into a smile. "So the bastard is finally dead." she began to laugh. "Heh...heheh...ahaha...hahaha...AHAHAHAHA!" she clutched her stomach as she fell back onto the bed, cackling to herself. "After all those years of acting tough! I finally did it!" she sat back up. "Did he squeal? Beg for mercy?" she asked. "Um..." Hanji spoke. "No...he tried to struggle his head off..."

      "Oh! Even better! The bastard can't regenerate!" she laughed. "Then what?" she begged. "Then I cut you from your Titan body and dragged your brat self back to Headquarters." Levi stated, monotonously. "Oh." Anna's expression changed. "Thought it would be cooler than that..." she mumbled. "You were passed out the entire trip. Started mumbling on and on about some kid "Miles"." Hanji said. Anna stiffened, her hands clenching as she thought back to Miles's dead body. The poor boy wasn't nearly as fast as her, nor could he fight off Boss. Anna tucked her hair behind her ear. "He didn't deserve to die either. He wasn't as close to me as Cullen or Ruby but he was a good help." she sighed. "If it weren't for him we'd all be dead." Hanji looked over at her sadly. "We...managed to bring their bodies with us...for research. If you want, we can give him a proper burial." 

      Anna's eyes looked up at the other woman. "You'd do that?" she asked. "He was your friend." Erwin said. "He helped take down this 'Boss' man. He will get the burial he deserves." Anna sighed. "So..." she fiddled with the blanket on the bed. "Can to Eren...?" she asked. "What for?" Levi crossed his arms. "To discuss penis size, dipshit. I need to ask more about how he's able to turn into a Titan and control it and all that bullshit." she shook her head. Hanji couldn't help but giggle. " wouldn't mind me experimenting on you, would you?" she asked. "Do I have a choice?" Anna gave her a look. "Nope!" Hanji said proudly. "Sure, fine, whatever. Can I go yet?"

      "Not yet." Erwin said. "We still need to make sure you're...stable." Anna rolled her eyes and slammed herself back against the wall. "Oh come oooon...I'm starving and I'm bored." she whined. "Being home is boring?" Levi questioned. "A cell is not home. I've practically been imprisoned my entire life and the MOMENT I kill the guy, I get stuck into another jail. Whoop-de-fucking-do!" she flipped him off. "You've got quite the bad temper."

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