Chapter 44

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Dedicated Chapter Song: In The End - Black Veil Brides

In the end, as you fade into the night. Who will tell the story of your life?  In the end, as my soul's laid to rest what is left of my body...or am I just a shell? I have fought, and with flesh and blood I commanded an army. Through it all, I have given my heart for a moment of glory!

      Miles waited at the edge of the Underground City for the blonde-haired Captain, his kill contract in hand

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      Miles waited at the edge of the Underground City for the blonde-haired Captain, his kill contract in hand. Anna sauntered up to him, flourishing about her parchment contract in hand. "Haylee Stillwell, 17 years old, in the Chlorba District." Anna read off her contract. "Accused of knowing private information regarding a conspiracy about the King." Anna scoffed. "Oh, please." she rolled her eyes. Miles opened and read his. "Mine is also in Chlorba. Allison Ferguson, age 22. Convicted felon on the run. Last seen in Chlorba District." Anna sighed and shoved her parchment into her pocket. "Well, we'd best get going. If I remember right, Chlorba is on the west side of Wall Rose. There's tons of Titans beyond it that we can try to execute."

      "You think we have a chance?" Miles questioned. "Of course." Anna grinned proudly, flashing her collar at the guards at the entrance to the Underground City. Her VM emblem smiled at the guards, letting them know it was okay for Anna and Miles to exit. The guards nodded and let the two pass. "Here's hoping we find what we need." she grinned, breaking off into a sprint.

" she grinned, breaking off into a sprint

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      "There they are." Anna grinned, standing on the edge of Wall Rose, looking down at the Titans clawing at the Wall. "Look at 'em. The Colossal Titan could knock down the gate in seconds and the entire Wall would be gone." she shook her head. "We don't have time to think about things like that right now. You want to get back to the Survey Corps, yeah? Well, come on." Miles hopped off the wall. He didn't have ODM gear like Anna, so he had to be more skilled in moving fast and avoiding getting eaten. Anna swung down with her gear, careful not to use too much gas. "Come to mama!" Anna laughed, slashing at a Titan's flesh. It cried out, causing a grin to appear on her face. "I think I got this one!"

      Taking out an empty syringe from her pouch, she attempted to stab it into the Titan, but was thrown back. "Agh, come on!" she groaned, soaring up high to try and land on it again. A different Titan tried swinging at her. "Dammit! There's too many of them! We've gotta lure a few away!"

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