Chapter 9

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Dedicated Chapter Song: Edge of Night - Billy Boyd

All shall fade.

      "I'm telling you," Petra whispered to the rest of the Squad over breakfast

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      "I'm telling you," Petra whispered to the rest of the Squad over breakfast. "I heard singing coming from Lance Corporal Levi's office." the second in command, Eld, snorted. "Singing? I highly doubt Levi would ever sing." Petra shook her head. "It was a female voice. It was rather pretty. I think it was Anna, since she was tasked with cleaning his office all day and night."

      "Why would the Corporal allow Anna to do such a thing?" Eren asked. "Doesn't he hate antics that distract him from his work?" Hanji piped in. "Maybe the corporal likes Anna? You know... in that way." Cullen rolled his eyes. "Or maybe Anna just has such a nice voice that anyone in her presence would want to hear more. You know, just speaking for a friend." he sipped his glass of water. Hanji glanced at him. "'For a friend', huh? You like Anna's singing." she accused. Cullen shrugged. "Yeah, she used to sing me to sleep when we were children. She's got a beautiful voice if you ever catch her singing. Surprisingly, she only sings when she's thinking long and hard about something sad. There must've been something Levi did to her in order for her to sing for him."

      "Maybe he paid her for a special dance, too." Orou chortled. Hanji laughed. "Imagine that! The Lance Corporal actually being interested in someone! That would be a miracle." Commander Erwin stepped into the room. "I don't think it's so much that he has any feelings for her, as I feel he only wants to know why she's so.... special."

      Cullen sighed, angry at the thought of Levi falling for Anna. "Anna has always been special. Whether she's with the VM or the Survey Corps, she'll always be perfect." Anna sauntered into the mess hall, clutching to her tray of food. "Who'll always be perfect?" she asked. Everyone turned and gasped at how different she looked with shorter hair.

      Cullen stared, his eyes wide. "A-A-Anna... your hair... " he stuttered. She tugged at a strand of it. "Yeah? I cut it." she took a seat next to him. "But... you said you'd never cut your hair shorter than your tailbone. You loved how it flowed whenever you fought." Cullen blinked. Anna nonchalantly sipped her tea. "I can't fight Titans as effectively with long hair, can I?" she shrugged. "My hair will only get caught in the 3DM gear."

      "I think you look pretty," Petra smiled at her. "Don't let blondie tell you otherwise." Cullen's face flushed red. "H-Hey! I didn't say she doesn't look pretty! Anna always looks pretty! I mean... uh... " Hanji laughed and pointed at Cullen. "He's as red as a tomato! Looks like somebody has a crush!"

      Anna playfully rolled her eyes. "Oh, please, Zoe. We all know you're horny for Titans. If they wouldn't bite off your face, you'd probably fuck one and claim it was 'for science'." she winked over the rim of her glass. Everyone stared at Hanji. Now it was her time to be red-faced. "W-Well... I.... " she stammered. "Oh, look! It's Lance Corporal Levi!" she distracted all of them.

      "What was this I heard about Hanji being Titan horny?" he took a seat in his usual spot. Hanji groaned. "It's nothiiiing. What about Petra having a thing for Cullen?" she put the spotlight on Petra. "I do not have a thing for him! Shut up, Hanji!" Petra defended.

      Anna giggled upon hearing all of this bickering. In a way, it almost reminded her of her family back at the VM. Only... better. They seemed to somewhat actually care a bit about her. "So, Anna," Erwin spoke up. Anna perked up and glanced at the Commander. "What's this about you singing?"

      Anna bit her lip. "I don't sing." she lied. Cullen spit out his drink in shock. "Bullshit! Anna has the best voice in the world!" Anna sunk in her chair. "No..." she mumbled. "...I just have a decent voice... " Levi noticed she'd cut her hair and he narrowed his eyes, mentally smirking. "Her voice is quite enthralling," he leaned forward, his eyes across from Anna. "You should sing for us."

      Anna silently cursed and sneered at him. "I-"

"Ooh, yes! I'd love to hear you sing!" Petra said.

"I bet you sing like an angel!" Hanji agreed.

"She sings like a goddess." Cullen stated.

"It would be rather nice to hear something other than the bickering of these guys." Erwin agreed.

      Seeing as she was outnumbered, Anna gave in. "Okay... " she stood from her seat. "Fine." she suddenly felt nervous as all eyes were on her. "Anybody have... any suggestions?" she asked. Levi snorted. "Tch. Just sing whatever you know and get it over with. We don't have all day, Urrie."

Anna gulped and shut her eyes, blocking out everything but her own thoughts. "Home is behind the world ahead," she sang. "And there are many paths to tread," everyone was already gaping at her, each one with their mouths wide open. Except, of course, Levi. "Through shadow. To the edge of night. Until the stars are all alight," she breathed, thinking about all her friends in the VM. They were never really her friends, were they? "Mist and shadow. Cloud and shade. All shall fade. All shall," she slowly opened her eyes, trailing over the faces of everyone. "fade..." she finished.

"Wooooah!" Hanji clapped. Everybody also stood up and began clapping. Anna bit her lip and blushed. "Yeah... don't ask me to do that again. That was terrifying." she sat down. Hanji grabbed her and hugged her, to which she yelped. "Your voice is so pretty! I wish I could sing like that!"

      "Me, too!" Petra smiled. "You've gotta teach us sometime!" she reached across the table and played with a strand of Anna's hair. "Wooooah, it's so soft! Even after being cut." Hanji grabbed her hands and gasped. "And your nails are perfect and everything! What are your secrets? Please tell me!"

      Anna giggled, for once actually having a pleasant time. "Okaaaay, but if I tell you, you have to promise not to tell shortcake over there." she glanced at Levi, who glared at her and did his infamous "tch". Both Hanji and Petra put a hand to their hearts. "I swear!" she shouted in unison.

      Anna leaned close to Hanji and whispered how she kept her nails so perfect. "Uh-huh... Uh huuuh... ooooh! Oh, I never knew that!" Hanji gasped. "I so need to try that now!" Anna then turned to Petra and leaned close, whispering the secret ingredient to keeping her hair so silky soft. "You mean that's it?!" Petra gasped. Anna smiled and nodded as she sat back down. "Helps it grow faster, too. That's why I'm not really that worried about how short my hair is now. It'll grow back to its length in about a year and a half."

      "You're the best, Anna." Hanji hugged her again. Anna tensed, but actually found the hug slightly comforting. She wrapped one arm around Hanji and hugged her back. Cullen let out a small gasp as he stared at her. 'So this is what acceptance feels like.' Anna thought to herself.

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