Chapter 61

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Dedicated Chapter Song: Death of The Party - New Year's Day

We are the death of the party. We're here to save you. Blow out the candles, come with the vandals, baby, make 'em scream!

(A/N: Hey, guys! We're nearing the end of The Captain and I just really wanna say I'm so happy as to how this story turned out

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(A/N: Hey, guys! We're nearing the end of The Captain and I just really wanna say I'm so happy as to how this story turned out. It's not at all what I'd originally drafted but it's so much better. Also those of you that have written comments or sent me messages have really inspired me to keep writing this story almost daily and keep going into depth with it. This book is planned to end at Chapter 65 so brace your souls. Without further ado, the rest of the story!)

 Without further ado, the rest of the story!)

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      "What... are you doing... here?" Anna tried to ask Levi, but they were currently busy in an intense make-out session. Levi pressed her up the wall behind her, sliding his hands down under her thighs. "I just had to come and see you." he answered.

      "That's not a reason." Anna pouted. "It is to me." he replied. Anna laughed quietly. "You shouldn't have come. You heard what Rose said."
      "What? About the bad luck? That's just superstition." he shook his head. Anna sighed. "In our world, we should take even superstitions seriously. You never know what could go wrong."
      "Let's not worry about that just for tonight. Erwin and I are off to Shinganshina in the morning. This is the only time we'll get together for a while."

       A soft knock was on their door, making Anna groaned as Levi gently set her back on her feet. "Our jobs are never done." she mumbled and cracked the door open, surprised at who stood there. The tall and thin boy with dark hair from earlier that day. "Kitagawa." she stared at the melancholy boy.

      "Commander Anna." he saluted, a soft smile on his face. "Section Commander Hanji sent me to fetch you. She says it's urgent." Anna blinked. "Did she say what it was about?" she asked softly. "No. Only that you should come as quickly as you can."

      "No rest for the wicked." Anna murmured and grabbed her jacket. "Thank you, Kitagawa. You're dismissed." he nodded and headed away. Anna left her room at the inn and headed to Hanji's makeshift lab in one of their carriages. "Zoe?" she questioned aloud as she heard Hanji scrambling to gather some sort of supplies.

      "Ah! You're here! Perfect!" she hopped down from the carriage. "I've gotta show you something." she reached up and grabbed a syringe from off one of the tables. "This is our failsafe plan." she grinned as Rose trekked over. "What is?" she crossed her arms.

      "This serum I've created." Hanji explained. "Should Anna lose control, all we have to do is cut her from her Titan self and inject her with this instead of killing her. But with that comes consequences." she warned. "What consequences?" Anna demanded. "You see," Hanji continued. "This serum is only compatible with Anna's blood. I've tested it on both Rosaline and Eren's blood and DNA, but it kills all blood cells. When tested with your abnormal superhuman blood cells, it only reverted them back to normal. So, in which case, if you were to be injected with this, you'd lose your Shifter abilities and everything that makes you Humanity's Strongest."

      "So it's either lose what makes me... me or die." Anna pondered aloud. "I think I'd rather take the death sentence." Levi glanced over at her. "Don't you get it, brat? You'll be alive, at least."

      "How am I supposed to fight if everything about me is reduced back to square one?" Anna sighed. "Let's just hope it doesn't come down to that." Rose replied. "Nice work, Hanji."

      "Are we really sure I should be doing this?" Anna turned to Rose, who reassuringly nodded. "You're the largest Titan of the three of us, meaning you can carry heavier things. We're counting on you, A."

      Anna rubbed her arms. "I'm just afraid of letting everyone down." she admitted. "You won't." Rose placed her hand on Anna's shoulder. "We'll be there every step of the way."

     "You know, I never realized how shitty our beer was until now

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     "You know, I never realized how shitty our beer was until now." Anna mumbled as the group sat at a low wooden table at a tavern in the interior. "It doesn't get much better than this." Rose trailed her finger along the rim of her beer stein. "Drinking expensive craft beer within a stone's throw of the King. I'd say you've made your life worth living, Annalise." Rose chuckled. "That reminds me..." she grabbed something from her pocket. "It's November 8th, right?"

      Anna shifted in her seat. "Yeah. Why?" her eyebrows. "Happy Birthday!" Rose held out a small box. "...b-birthday?!" Anna said in shock. Levi only glanced at Hanji, who shrugged in response. "Don't you remember?" Rose tilted her head. "Your birthday is November 8th."

      "Yeah... but..." Anna stared at the cream-colored box. "I haven't  celebrated my birthday in decades... I kinda forgot about it." Hanji gasped. "Son of a bitch! Come on, Levi! We have to get Anna gifts!" she yanked him to his feet. "Wh- wait, no!" Anna tried to say, but Hanji was already out the door with Levi. Anna frowned. "She never listens."

      "Open your present!" Rose grinned. Anna sighed and opened the small box, contently smiling at the object inside. "Did you make this?" Anna asked, pulling out a necklace of the Scouts crest, though one part of the wings was blue diamonds and the other was gold like her eyes. "Mhmm. To remind you of who you truly are. You have a responsibility now, Anna. People are going to tell stories about you. When the Titans are vanquished, there'll be legends and myths. You'll go down in history as the Scout's greatest achievement."

      "Achievement? What, now I'm a trophy?" Anna scoffed. "Weren't you always?" Rose replied. "It was never the plan to have you become a friend of theirs. They wanted to execute all intel from you and send you back to the hell you were retrieved from. But things never go as planned, do they?" Rose's blue eyes seemed darker for a moment. Anna looked up, swearing she saw something else in Rose's expression. Fear, perhaps?

      "I wonder if those two will mind me drinking their ale." Rose quickly changed the subject, grabbing Levi and Hanji's pints.

" Rose quickly changed the subject, grabbing Levi and Hanji's pints

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The Captain - Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now