Chapter 36

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Dedicated Chapter Song: Headstrong - Trapt

Back off, I'll take you on. Headstrong to take on anyone.

      Hanji yelped as she smacked her backside against the ground

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      Hanji yelped as she smacked her backside against the ground. She was certain she'd broken at least her tailbone from the impact. The all-too-arrogant Anna crossed her arms after practically throwing the girl across the training barracks. "And you call yourself a soldier, Hanji? You've got to be joking." Anna shook her head. "Plant your feet into the ground. Center yourself so then when you're knocked back, you're not injured so bad. Most of you damn brats would be dead in a split second fighting the VM. Be glad it's only Titans we have to deal with immediately. Still, even as an elite squad, some of you execute poor technique when in the field."

      "You know, A, I think you've been spending too much time with Levi." Sasha commented. "You're really starting to sound a lot like him." Anna rolled her eyes "Is that a bad thing? He gets his job done the way he does and I get mine done the way I do. It shouldn't matter whether or not our methods are similar as long as it's effective." Anna stated simply. "Now, again." he looked to Hanji, who was rubbing her backside. "Why me?" she groaned.

      "Hands up." Anna instructed, making fists as she eyes Hanji. "Keep your arms stiff. If you let them be loose, you're prone to hurting yourself more." Anna addressed as Hanji took a hand-to-hand stance. Anna threw out her right fist, to which Hanji yelped and ducked, grabbing her head and shaking. "Please don't hit me." she whimpered.

      "Come on, four eyes! You can do it." Anna said, grabbing her by her collar and yanking her to her feet. "Hands up. When I swing, block my arm, use my momentum to your advantage, okay?" Anna tipped. Hanji nodded. "Okay." she adjusted her glasses. Anna once again raised her hands. "Ready?"

      Hanji nodded and held up her own hands. "Block!" Anna said, swinging out her left arm. Hanji turned her shoulder and grabbed Anna's arm between her shoulder and her forearm. Anna smirked. "Now you're getting it, glasses. Watch out, now." Anna, with her arm still pinned by Hanji, spun around and used her free arm to swing at Hanji's head. Hanji let go of Anna's arm and ducked, thinking fast and kicking out her legs from underneath her.

      Anna yelped as she was kicked off her feet. "Wah!" she exclaimed. Rolling over in the dirt, Anna looked up at the tall woman. "Not bad, Zoe. Not bad at all." she jumped to her feet. "Once you realize your own strength, nothing can stop you."

      Mikasa stepped up to Anna. "I want to spar." she stated. Anna arched an eyebrow, a soft laugh escaping her lips. "Aight, but when I kick your ass, don't cry. You asked for it." Anna grabbed a pair of wooden daggers. She handed one to Mikasa, a fearsome glint in her eyes.

      From up above, Anna spotted Erwin and Levi staring out the window and looking down upon the training grounds. Anna smirked. "Let's dance." she laughed, shoving Mikasa to the ground with one hand. "Ah! Hey!" Mikasa grunted as she hit the dirt. Anna placed her hands on her hips. "Rule numbero uno: Never turn your back on your enemy." she said as though it were the most obvious thing ever. Mikasa angrily groaned as she got back to her feet. "Cheater. We didn't even start yet."

      "When you're fighting for your life, the other person isn't going to wait for you to get into a battle stance. You need to know how to protect yourself from all angles. No matter where you are." Anna stated, flipping her wooden dagger about. "Well?" she waited for Mikasa. When Mikasa advanced, Anna immediately calculated a flaw in her execution.

      Anna ducked underneath Mikasa's arm, bending her back so that the wooden sword safely passed by her face. She stood back up and spun back to Mikasa, kicking her feet out from underneath her and shoving her down to the ground with her arm. Anna held Mikasa's chest down and smirked. "Anna, 1. Mikasa, 0." Hanji announced. "First to 3 wins."

      Anna let go of Mikasa and helped her to her feet. "She's quite the fighter." Erwin noted. Levi grunted. "Who? Anna? Tch, I suppose. She's had more years of training than any of us." he mumbled. "Even still, her kill count is immeasurable and yet she still knows advanced hand-to-hand combat." Erwin stated.

      "She's passionate, too," Levi said, watching Anna run up the nearby wall and backflip onto Mikasa, shoving her body into the dirt again. "Anna, 2! Mikasa, 0!" Hanji shouted. "You can see it in her eyes." Levi finished. "Can we be certain she's not playing us?" Erwin asked. "She's not." Levi stated boldly. "I trust her. She wants revenge on her predecessor for what he put her through in order for her to be what she is now. In fact, she believes he may have a connection to how the Titans first appeared."

      "A second lead? Besides Eren Jaegar's home in Shinganshina?" Erwin seemed surprised. "Apparently." Levi nodded. Anna slipped on some wet mud on the ground, her ankle twisting as Mikasa got her first down. "Dammit." Anna groaned, getting to her feet again. "Anna 2. Mikasa 1."
      "We're right here, Hanji!" Jean said. "We can see it, too." Mikasa attacked Anna with the wooden dagger, to which Anna was faster and grabbed her hand, shoving it down. While Mikasa's hands were down, Anna lifted her knee and kicked Mikasa in the stomach. Anna pushed Mikasa to the ground again and put her foot on Mikasa's chest.

      "And of course, Anna wins!" Hanji cheered. Anna proudly crossed her arms and took her foot off the other girl. "And stay down." she sneered, walking over to the others. "Anyone else?"

      "I'll try." Eren stepped forward. Anna snickered. "Alright, Jaegar-bomb. Let's see what you've got." she handed him a wooden knife. "Hmm..." Erwin mumbled from the window as he turned and headed away, Levi trailing behind him. "Ready?" Anna took her jacket off and tossed it aside, tilting her head from side to side and cracking her neck.

      Eren cracked his knuckles before getting into fighting stance. Anna winked and made a "come here" motion with her hand. Eren ran towards her with the knife. Anna held out her hands and grabbed him as he tried to shove her. She planted her feet into the ground and shoved his knife down to catch him off-guard. Her blue and gold eyes flashed as she swung her leg up and kicked him into the air. Eren gasped as he fell against the ground. Anna pointed the wooden knife at his neck. "Not too bad." she shrugged. "Still nowhere close to me, but you did decent." she stood up. "That concludes training for today." she said to the others.

      "Eren! No!" Armen screamed. Eren held his hand up to his mouth. "Decent, my ass. I'll show you decent." Anna only looked over her shoulder at him as a bright green and yellow flash filled the air.

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