Chapter 22

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Dedicated Chapter Song: How Do You Love Someone - Ashley Tisdale

I was always the chosen child.
Their biggest scandal I became.
They told me I'd never survive,
but survival's my middle name

They told me I'd never survive,but survival's my middle name

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      "So, you have Titan abilities...." Orou started over dinner. "But you can't turn into a Titan." Anna slurped at her bean soup. "Mhmm," her eyes flickered up at him. "That's basically it. Since Levi wanted to tattle, I might as well let everyone know. I'm a goddamn Half-Titan, if you want to twist the story out of proportions." she huffed. One of the new recruits, Anna had learned his name to be Connie, spoke up. "No one is really calling you a Titan, Anna. Though it's kind of cool having both a Titan and a Half-Titan on the team." he smiled. Armin nodded. "With these two, we're sure to reclaim Wall Maria at the very least." 

      Anna laughed quietly, sipping her glass of water. "You think I'm going to help rebuild a faulty gate? You idiots do realize the Armored and the Colossal Titans would never had breached the Walls had it not been for the gates being weak?" she stated simply. "What do you mean?" Eren asked. Anna laughed aloud. "You dumb fools! The Colossal Titan could have kicked at that wall for centuries, yet be no where close to taking a single human life if the gates were completely sealed. If you ask me, humanity is never going to see outside these three walls again. Why not just hole it all up, kill the remaining Titans, and fuck like rabbits to repopulate? It's just simpler than risking thousands of lives a year to be nowhere closer to stopping these things."

      "What's gotten into you, Urrie?" Eld asked. "You were so much happier at breakfast." Anna kicked her feet up the table. "I'll tell you what's gotten into me; traitors." she stated. "You trust someone, and they turn their back on you. Oh, and you're told you're too overpowered to do jack shit on an mission where people are probably going to die. If you ask me, this whole Survey Corps shit is absolute bullshit." she sighed.

      "It might be," Petra sighed. "But it's really our only shot. People don't like hearing that they have to shut themselves in, even if it's true." Anna poked at the meat sliver on her plate. "Yeah..." she sighed as well. "Hey, Anna," Eren said. "My friends have never heard you sing..."

      "No." she said instantly. "I'm not singing." Eren pouted. "Aw, come oooon."
      "Come on, Anna! What have you got to lose? It's just singing!" Hanji said. "You do it, then!" Anna challenged. "No one has a good of a voice here as you do, Anna!" she retorted. Anna grumbled. "Alright. But one song!"

      Those new recruits like Connie, Armin, Jean, Sarah and Mikasa all paid attention as it went silent before Anna thought up a song to sing.
      "My name it is Maria. A merchant's daughter fair," she sang with her calming and hauntingly beautiful voice once more. Even the new recruits gawked at her. "And I have left my parents and three thousand pounds a year. Come all you pretty fair maids, whoever you may be. Who love a jolly sailor  that plows the raging sea."

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