Chapter 23

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Dedicated Chapter Song: I'll Be Good - Jaymes Young

I'll be good, I'll be good. And I'll love the world like I should.

      "Ready for the expedition tomorrow, A?" Hanji asked, braiding her best friend's hair

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      "Ready for the expedition tomorrow, A?" Hanji asked, braiding her best friend's hair. Anna sighed, flipping another page from the book in her lap. They sat in Levi's room, Petra and Sasha painting each other's nails while Hanji did Anna's hair. "I suppose. We have the safest position, after all. I'm just worried that I won't be able to follow orders properly." she admitted.

      "You seemed to have followed all orders in the past month." Petra noted. "Especially Levi's." the girls giggled. Anna huffed. "Levi's the only one who really understands me. Our backgrounds are almost identical. In fact, I was sent to recruit him many years ago, but failed. I'm kinda glad I did fail," she smiled faintly. "Otherwise none of us would be here today. He wouldn't be Captain, and we'd all either be dead or close to death."

      "So you lived in the Underground District, too?" Petra questioned. Anna's eyes tracked up to her. "Yeah. Basically." she acknowledged. "What was it like down there?" Sasha requested. "Dark," Anna replied. "Cold, usually. The Underground city was originally made to be a safe place and expansion of land for the Walled world, as they couldn't expand outward." she explained as Hanji finished the braid in her hair.

       "However, there were many downsides to living underground, including the fact that a lack of sun caused peoples legs to become unusable and poorly working. Because of this, the lesser population was forced to live in the underground, and not allowed to come to the surface without citizenship." she hugged her knees. "The rest of the walled population abandoned the idea of underground living and left it to the more impoverished people, like me and everyone else I looked after in the VM."

      Levi happened to be close by, listening, but did not intrude and kept his distance from the room. Anna bit her lip. "As far as I've been told, similar underground cities were planned for towns such as Stohess District, but were abandoned and fell into ruin."
      "That's true," Hanji stated. Most things just hit shit creek from there." Anna shrugged a shoulder. "Essentially." she closed her book with a sigh. "I know you're outside the room, Levi." her eyes flashed. Levi stepped inside the room. "You always seem to know when I'm nearby."
      "You're the only one who has a lingering scent of Clean Freak Nirvana." she joked. "And your breathing is different from anyone else's. I can differ Hanji's breathe from Petra's and Sasha's and yours from everyone's. It's just a matter of close observation." she leaned back against the bed.

      "Intriguing." was all he said as he took a seat on his bed. "What were you reading?" he motioned to the book. Anna scoffed and looked at it. "Some bullshit romance novel. This girl falls in love with the guy of the family her family hates with a deep passion. They meet and practically marry each other in 3 days. 3 days! But then some shit goes down, she drinks a potion to fake her death, he thinks it's real and stabs himself, she wakes up to find him dead and also kills herself. End of story." she slid the book across the floor.
      "Romeo and Juliet?" Levi spoke. "Tch! That book is garbage." Anna smiled. "Right? Doesn't nearly capture what love is really like." Sasha poked Anna. "Have you ever been in love, A?" Anna tugged at a loose strand of her hair. "You'd think after all my life I'd have found someone, but the truth is everyone either wanted to kill me or fuck me. No love was found underground." she shook her head. "Anyways, love is a weakness. It just distracts you from what really needs to be done."

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