Chapter 31

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Dedicated Chapter Song: Killed or Be Killed - New Year's Day

My vengeance is a curse. I want to watch you bleed. You're the crime, but I'm the scene. Back against the wall so it's kill or be killed. No other choice, then blood's gonna spill. Back against the wall  forget or forgive. But after all this, I never will.

 But after all this, I never will

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      "Wow..." Hanji exhaled after listening to Levi repeat everything. "You've pretty much got V.I.P. access into Anna's brain." she blinked. Levi leaned back in his chair. "I don't want to leave her here while we go out on a mission. It's just not fair. She should be there with us." 

     "There's nothing we can really do. You can't be asleep. We need you, Levi." Hanji said. "I know." he mumbled. "If only the damn brat had told me she was stabbed, I would have stayed and helped her." he sighed. "That would have risked us losing Eren." Hanji countered. "Anna used her best judgement so that you left. If anything, that's pretty brave of her. She knew you would worry about her, and she kept that hidden from you. If I were her, I can't say I wouldn't try to do the same." 

      Anna groaned lightly in her sleep. Levi turned to watch her. "She's fighting someone..." he said quietly. "There's too many of these shitty trials. We need her back." he sighed. "I hope she can finish the last few without me." 

      "Where are we now?" Anna asked, her depressed tone taking effect

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      "Where are we now?" Anna asked, her depressed tone taking effect. "Don't you recognize this place?" Ruby smiled. Anna looked up, her eyes widening upon seeing her parents' farm in the open world. Not a single Titan in sight. Anna breathed out. "I'd almost forgotten what it looked like..." her eyes welled up. "Why are we he-"

      "Mama!" a tiny girl with brown pigtails ran in front of her, running to a woman with darker hair and bright green eyes. "Look! Look! I caughts a flutterby!" she opened her hands, only for the insect to fly out and back into the blue sky. "Aaaawww..." she whined. Her mother laughed softly. "It's okay, Annalise. Beautiful things aren't meant to be captured." she smiled, ruffling the young girl's hair. "Your father will be back any moment now from the marketplace. Want to help me prepare dinner?" The young girl looked up at her mother with a bright smile and two bright blue eyes. "Mhmm!" 

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