Chapter 54

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Dedicated Chapter Song: The Judge - Twenty One Pilots

You're the judge, oh no. Set me free. I know my soul's freezing, hell's hot for a good reason, so please take me.

      Rose Lariviere paced in front of her client, her lips pursed as she was asked a few questions

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      Rose Lariviere paced in front of her client, her lips pursed as she was asked a few questions. "How do we know we can trust you?! Weren't you a member of that vile terrorist group?!" her cerulean blue eyes trailed over to an MP and she smiled simply. "On the contrary, I was part of a group much deeper than that, hidden within the VM. We called ourselves the Underground Regiment as we strived to preserve peace in the Underlands. Anna started this group, but handed the leadership over to me as she did not want any suspicions from our employer about her work, even though he was aware she was a traitor to him already. Our friend Miles Castellanos worked alongside me and gathered up more and more people who despised Fritz. Through each and every one of them we began to run and underground network of secrets and trades. This is how we learned of Boss's true origins and how we learned how Anna can become a Titan shifter. I, like Anna, am a Shifter." she admitted.  

      "Tie her up, too!" screamed some of the Wall folk, but she only laughed. "I am no threat, I assure you. I have spent my years gaining full control over myself. Anna is smart enough to do the exact same." she put her hands behind her back and turned to the Scouts. "Now, Commander Erwin," she addressed him. "Is it not true that when you first met Corporal Levi he was in a similar position to Anna, and his mission was to in fact, kill you?" she arched a slender brow. Erwin nodded. "Yes, that is true." Rose's lips curled up into a clever smirk. "And Corporal Levi, is it not true that after your closest friends were slaughtered by Titans, you agreed to join the Scouts officially as one of their members rather than a traitor to him."

      "Yes, that is true." Levi said, hiding any and all emotions he had going through his mind behind his façade. But Anna knew he was worried. "So, ladies and gentleman," Rose spun on her heel to face the rest of the court. "What the hell makes Annalise so different? You all love and adore your precious Captain Levi, yet when a woman comes along that's exactly the same, you all cower in fear. Why?" she stomped her foot against the ground. "Anna is almost exactly like him, in fact. She lost two of her closest friends because of Fritz. My sister Ruby was meant to be like us- a Titan shifter- but Fritz wasn't careful with his measuring, and she wasn't able to turn back. She'd hypothesized that Cullen had become a Shifter too, as it was Fritz's plan, being that Cullen was our Commander, but he never did turn. You'll find my sister is referred to as the 'Talking Titan' in Section Commander Zoe Hanji's reports." Rose motioned up to the balcony at Hanji. "After losing both Ruby and Cullen, Anna gave up her foolish, rebelliousness and agreed to fully commit to the Scouts." Anna smiled, nodding at Rose for her to go on. 

      "She stayed with them, grew close to them, and in time they trusted her as she learned to trust them. It was because of this trust that some of you claim she betrayed them." Rose pulled out the note Boss had sent Anna the night she'd left. "This is the note of a killer! Fritz left Anna no choice! It was either she return, or they all died," she motioned to the Scouts. "And in time, all of you would as well." she gave the note up to the judge. "Read it for yourself." the judge quickly scanned over it, soon looking down at Anna. "It says here that you happen to have feelings for Captain Levi."

      Anna smirked. "So what if I do?" she retorted. "Does that automatically make me guilty for having a little fun?" Rose put out her hand to tell Anna to stop. "Whether she does or not doesn't hold anything against her in this trial." she stated. "The point is she felt something strong enough to leave the Scouts and return to the hell she was brought up in to be tortured again. Her head was shoved into several gallons of bleach to the point where she could have choked and drowned in it. Her bones were forced to grow so she did not look like herself if Levi ever came after her. Luckily he did, accompanied by Section Commander Hanji. Had they not interfered, Anna would surely be dead, and soon enough all of us would be. Do not underestimate how powerful Boss truly was. He didn't have enough time before Anna bit his head off to turn himself."

      Rose turned back to the Garrison and Military Police. "You all put your trust in Eren Jaeger, who aided the Scouting Regiment in taking down Annie Leonhardt, who is in fact the Female Titan from the 57th Expedition beyond the Walls." her blue eyes seemed to brighten as she made her point. "When Anna had returned to the Underlands, she vowed to never kill another innocent soul. However, Fritz was very powerful as he learned new medical techniques from Grisha Jaeger- Eren's Jaeger father who also happened to be a Shifter, but his time was up and he passed his power along to his son, Eren." many people gasped, and Anna grinned at the fact that no one even knew about that. Even Eren seemed completely stunned. "With his newest experiment, Fritz was able to take over Anna's mind and force her to commit heinous crimes. She even warned the Lance Corporal that she had a pending kill contract for him. Would she have done this if she intended on slaughtering them all?" Rose tugged at the pink bow around her neck. "Make the right choice, ladies and gentleman. I'm not asking you to believe that she didn't kill all those people. I'm asking you to believe in the fact that she had no control over her actions. On top of that she was raised that way and didn't know any better." 

     "What about her Titan abilities? Could she go off at any second?" Anna raised her head to look at the Garrison member who asked that. "In order for me to turn I need to be royally pissed off. Even if that does happen, I do have the ability to be fully in control of my Titan self. Though I do trust the Scouts with my life if I were ever to lose control of my Titan self." she said. The courtroom turned into mayhem in a split second with several of the Wall folk arguing that they should just kill both Rose and Anna, and the others insisting that they let them live. "Order!" The judge pounded his hand like a gavel on his desk. "I have made my decision." he looked at Anna, who gulped nervously. 

      "Annalise Kasahara, you are guilty for the crimes you have committed. However, you were influenced to do these said crimes, and you have given up your life of thievery to devote your heart and soul to taking down the Titans. Is that correct?" Anna nodded immediately. "Yes, sir." she replied. "Then your sentence will be one week in the interior's cell just to be sure you're stable. After that a carriage will return you to the Scout's headquarters. That is all."

      Anna let out a breathe of relief as the Scouts cheered happily. Even Levi smiled, just barely, but enough for Anna to see. "Thank you, Rose." but the pink-haired woman had left, no one really seeing which way she went. She was like a ghost; there one minute and gone the next. 


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