Chapter 20

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Dedicated Chapter Song: Centuries - Fall Out Boy

Remember me for centuries

Two pairs of excited beady eyes stared Anna down as she gathered up her breakfast that morning

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Two pairs of excited beady eyes stared Anna down as she gathered up her breakfast that morning. "Sooooo?" Petra giggled. "So... what?" Anna glanced at her two best friends. "How was sleeping with the Captain?" Hanji winked.

Anna playfully rolled her eyes. "Tch! I didn't sleep with him. At least not in that context." Anna mumbled before running her fingers though her hair and looked over at the two girls. "We slept in the same room. That's it." she stated flatly. Petra and Hanji exchanged glances before giggling.

Anna shot them a harsh glare. "What?" she said through her teeth. "It's gonna happen soon." Hanji said quietly to Petra. "Totally." Petra agreed. "What's going to happen?" Anna sat in between them, taking a sip of tea. "Oh, just you two lovebirds getting in on." Anna spit out her tea, nearly choking on it.

Hanji had to slap her back several times to get her to breathe right again. "That is," Anna wheezed. "Out of the question, Petra!" Petra laughed. "Oh, come on! You can't tell me you don't think he's hot! I see the way you look at him and make eyes."

Anna glared at her. "I don't make eyes." Eld stepped in. "Morning, girls. What's the gossip now?" he asked, taking a seat across from them. "Oh, just Anna sleeping with Levi-" Petra grinned.

"PETRA! THAT'S NOT HOW IT IS!" Anna dug her head into her hands. "I'm going to die of embarrassment." she mumbled. "Did you two share a bed?" Eld questioned. Anna looked up at him. "No, I totally slept on the floor like a savage." she said, sarcastically, making Hanji and Petra squeal again. "Both of you shut it before I shove forks into your ears!" she threatened.

"Who are we killing now?" Levi asked as he casually walked into the room. Anna pointed at both Hanji and Petra. "These two dumbasses." She said. "Heeey!" Petra whined. "Is that any way to refer to your best friends?" Anna looked at her. "You're right. I'm so sorry," she cleared her throat. "These bitches." she sarcastically corrected.

Hanji giggled. "Not much better, but I'll take it over being called a dumbass." Eld cleared his throat. "So, back to Anna and Levi-"

"How about you fucking don't and you get to keep your balls?" Anna waved her steak knife at him before slamming it into a potato as an example. Eld uncomfortably groaned. "You know all this speculation is your fault, right, Anna?" Levi gawked at her. "This deal is hurting you more than its affecting me."

"Yeah, well, I couldn't think of something better!" she shoved the potato into her mouth, a grumpy look on her face. Eren walked in with two new faces Anna had never seen before. "Mikasa, Armin, this is the rest of the squad. Captain Levi, second in command Eld Gin, Section Commander Zoe Hanji, and you've already met Petra," Petra waved at them.

"Who are you?" the girl with short black hair and a red scarf stared at Anna. Anna turned her eyes back to her plate. "No one." she said, firmly. "Just a new recruit." Hanji laughed and punched Anna's shoulder. "You're more than that, Anna! You're the Rogue Masquerader!"

Anna sipped at her tea nonchalantly. "Is that what they're calling me now? Good to know." she grumbled. The boy with the long blonde hair Anna heard called Armin spoke up. "You're the one the Scouts caught in the Shinganshina District. You and your companion Cullen Gretzky. Where is h-"

"He's dead." Anna said coldly. The tension in the air was suddenly high as everyone glanced at her. "O-Oh..." the boy said. "I-I didn't know. I'm so sorry." Anna looked up at him. "Don't be sorry, kid. You had nothing to do with it." she glanced up and smiled. "I'm Anna Urrie. You must be Armin, and if I can remember correctly," she glanced at the girl. "You're Mikasa."

Mikasa grunted and looked at Eren. "Armin Arlert," the blond boy saluted. Anna chuckled lightly. "That's Mikasa Ackerman and you obviously know Eren." Anna's eyebrow raised at Mikasa's last name, leaning forward to look to gawk at Levi. "Oooh, not another one." she groaned.

"We're distant relatives." Levi said in monotone, keeping his eyes on Eren. "That's believable. Black hair, resting bitch face, totally related." Anna sat back. "Excuse me?!" Mikasa gasped. "Mikasa, calm down." Eren said. "She has a sense of humor."

"Clearly unlike you." Anna grabbed her plate and stood up. "Well, I'm done here anyways. I'll be training if you need me." she put her dishes away and walked out quickly. "You'll have to excuse her," Hanji said. "She's not really good at making friends right off the bat. Took her over a month to even want to talk to us." Mikasa said nothing to the girl and just let Eren do all the talking.

Anna grumbled angrily as she pick up a sharp sword, eyeing a training dummy and a rope ladder. By the time any of the other cadets had left the mess hall to watch her, she had climbed partway up the ladder, the sword clutched tightly in her free hand.

"Anna?" Hanji said, craning her head up. "What are you doing?" Anna flung herself from the ladder. It wasn't the cold fury of battle, but there was a moment of falling freedom that was pure pleasure, that drove off the annoyance of Mikasa's attitude out of her mind. She landed on the dummy, feet planted on its shoulders, and slashed down, driving the sword's hilt deep into its trunk. Then she flipped herself backward, over and down, landing on her feet facing the dummy.

"Tch," said Levi. "what a show-off." Anna smirked at him, once more swaying her hips. "Oh, yeah, tough guy? Let's see you in action." she motioned to the dummy. Levi huffed but grabbed two swords from his gear and walked just a few feet away from his target. Levi stepped back and threw, the swords spinning from his hands like beams of light. One sheared off the training dummy's right arm, the other its left, before they buried themselves in the wall.

"Your target isn't dead," Anna pointed out. "Just armless."
"Exactly," said Levi. "So I can question him. Or her. If they're human, that is." Anna raised her head. "Very strategic. But it won't help you against a Titan." she winked. "But I'm not worried. Your reputation speaks for itself." she grinned.

"As does yours, rogue." Anna crossed her arms at that title. "I'm not a fan of being referred to aa a rogue. But, if that's how I'm seen, I suppose it's better than a murderer." she fixed her jacket, shoving her blade back into her gear. "Urrie." Erwin called her. "Meet me in my office in ten minutes."

"Yes, sir." Anna saluted. Oh, no. What did he want? She glanced at Levi, who had already walked away with the others. Anna gulped.

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