Chapter 16

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Dedicated Chapter Song: I Will Not Bow - Breaking Benjamin

All is lost again. But I'm not giving in.

      "What's going on here?" Gunther walked over as both Anna and Levi stretched to prepare to fight each other

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      "What's going on here?" Gunther walked over as both Anna and Levi stretched to prepare to fight each other. "Anna and Levi are gonna fight each other!" Hanji grinned. "Um...why?" he stared at the girl. "'Cuz Anna said she would kick his ass." she laughed. "And Levi challenged. If Levi wins the fight, Anna will have to do everyone's chores for a month. If Anna wins the fight, Levi has to share a room with her."

      "That...doesn't sound like a loss." Gunther mumbled. "In fact, I'd lose on purpose just for that." he chuckled. Petra laughed and she walked over. "Who knows? Maybe Levi totally will lose on purpose. Then again, he has to put up with us always being in Anna's room, so he might try to kill her." Eren tapped his foot nervously against the dirt. "Is he really going to hurt her?"

      "Anna can handle him. She's a tough cookie, and she's put on the weight and muscles since she first got here. If anything, she's much more stronger than she's probably ever been." Hanji stated. Anna lifted her leg high up behind her, taking her foot and pulling it up straight behind her. "Wish I had that kind of flexibility." Petra mumbled. "Heh, she'd make a hell of a prima ballerina," Gunther stated. Anna glanced over at them as she lowered her leg and winked before stretching her arms. "She seems pretty confident," Eren said. "Levi doesn't even look nervous at all. At least, if he is, he's hiding it pretty well." they all looked over as Levi just stared back at them with the look that could kill if you looked too hard. He had a wooden knife in his hand and was flipping it about as he waited for Anna.

      "Ready to lose?" Anna grinned, approaching him slowly. "Tch! Not on your life." He grabbed the wooden knife by its hilt and kept his eyes on her. Anna took up two wooden knives since she was more practiced with duel weapons. "Let's dance." she winked, charging at him first. She swung at Levi's head, but he ducked, which she expected, and she swung up her leg, kicking him in the chest. Levi grunted and jumped back, glaring at her. She only swayed her hips and waited for him.

      "Oooh! Anna gets the first hit!" Hanji commentated. "What's Levi gonna do next?" Using his 3DM gear, he lifted himself into the air before spiraling down towards Anna. Anna's eyes widened. "No fair!" she whined as she tried to jump out of the way, but he still managed to get a hit on her arm. She groaned angrily and yanked her arm away as Levi looked over his shoulder at her. "This is child's play." she mumbled. "I was thinking the same thing." Levi stated. Anna kicked at Levi's legs, but he grabbed her leg, holding it in the air. Anna stared at him, stunned, as he slammed his arm down on it. She screamed out as she felt the bone fracture. Her eyes flashed for a split second as he dropped her leg to the ground. "Anna, no!" Petra whimpered, covering her eyes with her hands. "Ready to give up?" Levi stared down at her as she looked at her leg. Anna shook her hand and stood up, though limped. "Is that all you've got?" she spat. Levi looked a little confused, which bought her enough time to use her good leg to jump into the air and pounce on him, knocking him to the ground. She put her leg on his chest and pinned him down. "What's wrong, darling? Can't get up?" she giggled. Levi grabbed her leg with his hands in an attempt to shove her off of him, but she crouched, putting one dagger behind his head and the other against his throat. "I wouldn't if I were you."

      Hanji gasped. "Anna...Anna won?" she blinked. Anna removed her foot from Levi's chest and held out her hand to pull him up. "Not yet." Anna said loudly, smirking at Levi. "Best 2 out of 3." she shook her leg and bit her lip as she heard a loud "snap". "That's better." she put it back down on the ground. "How did she do that?" Gunther stared in awe. "That's similar to the Titans's regenerating abilities!" Hanji gasped. "Could Anna be part-Titan, too?" Eren mumbled.

      While Anna was temporarily distracted by the others questioning her healing abilities, Levi struck her in the chest, causing her to fall back into the dirt. She grumbled as she hit the ground. "Dammit. Got distracted." she attempted to get up, but the roles were reversed where Levi had his foot on her chest instead. Before she even got a chance to grab his leg he was sitting on top of her, pressing her down into the ground. Anna smirked. "I think you've got this the wrong way, darling. Usually the girl is on top." she winked. Levi sneered and grabbed her, flipping her to face the dirt in such a quick motion, Anna barely had time to register it as he pinned her arm behind her back. She cried out as she could feel him stretching her limb.

      "Levi wins round two! Next round determines the winner!" Hanji cheered. Levi stood and Anna kicked him into the wall as she got up. "Ow!" she yelled at him, rubbing her arm. He spat as his hair got into his face and he glared at her again. "Was that necessary?" he asked. "Was trying to break my arm necessary?" she hissed at him. "Touché." he shrugged. The two of them returned to the center of the training area, both in fighting stances. "Is it just me, or does Anna look hot when's she's angry?" Gunther asked. Hanji laughed and pointed at Gunter. "Ahaha! You think Anna is hot!"

      "Who wouldn't?" The blond-haired Eld walked over. "Especially since she's the only one who's lasted this long in a fight with the Captain. Just look at her." he motioned as Anna ran up a nearby wall and jumped off, slashing at Levi's shoulder. She ended up making the hit, but it wasn't very effective against him. "She's just as strong as him, if not more so. She's gotten way more Titan kills and assists than all of us combined. If I didn't know any better, I'd think she was part Titan, herself."

      Anna kicked Levi in the chest, sending him flying back into the wall again. Levi jumped out of the way just as she charged with both of her daggers. As she was stunned, staring at the blank wall, Levi slammed her head against it. The loud smacking down made everyone nearby cringe. Anna fell to the ground, sticky crimson blood spilling down her forehead. Levi once again sat on her chest so she was immobile. "I believe I win." he pointed the wooden knife at her throat. Anna blinked, but grinned, pulling out a gun from her holster on her hip and putting it up against his head. She laughed wearily. "Bang!" she giggled. Levi clenched his draw angrily as he tossed aside the wooden knife. "Cheater." he sneered. Anna grinned at him. "Prior thief." she corrected.

      Everyone around stared at the two of them, completely stunned. Anna managed to defeat Levi. No one in their right mind would ever go up against him, let alone win against him. Hanji whined. "Maaan, I was really looking forward to not having to clean for a month." Anna tiredly giggled as he hand dropped to the ground, the gun falling. She soon fell unconscious from the concussion Levi had given her.

(^ Levi is salty he lost ^)

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(^ Levi is salty he lost ^)

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