Chapter 25

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Dedicated Chapter Song: Plastic Promises - Set it Off

Please don't tell me that we're fine. I've got too much on my mind. Isn't this too plain to see? Maybe. 'Cause we've lost too much to gain. We were dancing in the rain. Tell me, what am I supposed to do?

     You never know when you're going to die

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You never know when you're going to die. All you know is that you will. Anna repeated Boss's words in her head as she sat on her horse beside Levi and behind Eren, who was placed in the middle. Though the embarrassing kiss from earlier that morning replayed through her head, she knew this was not the time nor place for childish romantic antics. She might as well have gone on this mission drunk if she wanted to be so distracted. A voice barked, causing her to raise her head. Her gear sat comfortably at her hip, ready to use at a moment's notice. "This is it!" Anna tightened her hand around the reigns of her horse. "The day has come for humanity to take another step forward!" Anna's heterochromia eyes focused and she smirked. Those Titans would have nothing on her if she had her way. "Now let's show those Titans exactly what we're made of!" Anna raised a sword along with many other soldiers, cheering aloud. "Yah!" her smile was wide. Levi watched her, knowing that he made a smart decision in recruiting her in the Scouts.

"Open the gate!" Anna slammed her sword back into her gear and glanced at Eren, making sure he was still okay. As the gate opened, Anna's heart pounded in excitement. She'd never been part of something this important before. She could hardly wait. "Forward!" Erwin commanded. Anna jerked the reigns of her horse and stampeded forward along with the others. "It has officially begun!" Erwin shouted. "The 57th recon mission! Scouts, move out!" Anna obeyed, her green cape with the Wings of Freedom flowed behind her just like her hair, which was pulled back into a French braid. She had no plans to die today. Then again, none ever do.

      "We've got a 10 meter closing in, to the left!" Anna stated, though she desperately did her best to stay on her horse rather than slaughter the thing on sight

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"We've got a 10 meter closing in, to the left!" Anna stated, though she desperately did her best to stay on her horse rather than slaughter the thing on sight. "Forward!" an unfamiliar voice instructed. Anna sighed. "Ride for all your worth!" Anna kept occasionally checking on Eren to make sure he was okay. It was easy having the ability to become a Titan, Anna imagined. Hell, it wasn't even easy for her to have the strength of one. Nonetheless, orders were orders, and these orders she promised to obeyed. Even if innocent people died today.

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