Chapter 49

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Dedicated Chapter Song: Super Psycho Love - Simon Curtis

If you didn't want me back, why'd you have to act like that?

If you didn't want me back, why'd you have to act like that?

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(A/N: Light smut warning just up ahead )

"Nngh, what do you want, heichou?" Anna groaned, going over another 20-page report. "You need a break." Levi ran his hand along her back. "I'm fine." she mumbled. "You know how it is. Just a shit ton of work." Levi sighed. "Let me do it for y-"
"No. You've done enough for me while I was gone. I can't let you do any more of my work." she shook her head. "Then at least take a damn break." he yanked her rolling chair out from the desk. "Levi! Ugh, I've got to finish these reports!"

"Since when did our roles switch of you always be careless to now caring about doing work?" he spun her around to face him. "I guess my morals have just changed now that I've got something to actually live for." she shrugged. Levi frowned. "I see. All work and no play?"

Anna glanced to the door, then back at him, a tiny smirk on her lips. "Weeell..." she bit her lip. "Maybe I can squeeze in room for a little play. I've kept you waiting long enough." she grinned. "That's more like it." Levi said while Anna reached up with her pale hand and grabbed his cravat, yanking him down again. "Tell anyone about this, I'll stab you."

"Not if I stab you first." he crashed his lips against hers, his hands moving down along her bare waist as he kissed her. A hard, hot, driving kiss, a nip at her lower lip and the clash of tongues and teeth, both of them pressing as hard as they could to get closer. They were glued together, skin and fabric, a heady mix of the chill of the Levi's skin , the heat of Anna's, and the frictionless slide between both of them.

Levi lifted her up from the chair, dragging her up his body, and she felt him suck in his breath at the contact. His hands slid under her, grasping her thighs as he walked them to her desk, laying her down upon it. The cold wood hit her body and she shuddered.

Anna stretched her body out, trying to line herself up with him, and saw his eyes darken as he watched her. Levi took a moment, practically ripping off his cravat and shirt, throwing them onto the chair. She let her eyes roam over him, taking in what was familiar and what wasn't: the flare of his shoulders, the curve of his waist, the scars on his skin ... her gaze dipped lower.

He laughed, a low, dark rasp. "It's a little unfair," he said, breathlessly, "that you can tell how much I want this just by looking at me and I can't tell the same thing about you." Anna only smirked at him, running her slim fingers along his cheek as she took in every detail of his face she hadn't before.

She shifted under him. Their bodies scraped together and his pulse jumped, his hands gripping onto the wooden desk on either side of her. "Look at me," she said.

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