Chapter 24

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Dedicated Chapter Song: Far Too Young to Die - Panic! At The Disco

Well I never really though that you'd come tonight while the crown hangs heavy on either side. Give me one last kiss while we're far too young to die.

      Levi awoke first, as he did almost everyday

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      Levi awoke first, as he did almost everyday. Anna was still asleep, but had herself practically wrapped around him. Her head was dug into the crook of his neck, her lips just barely brushing his skin. His eyes threatened to close, but he knew he had to be awake. For a moment, he let a smile creep onto his face as he ran his fingers through Anna's silky hair.

      Anna groaned softly as she woke up, and Levi's smile vanished. She pushed herself up out of his arms and stretched. Glancing back at him, she smiled. "Morning, sunshine. The earth says hello." she waved. Levi scoffed as he sat up. "The earth can go fuck itself." Anna ruffled his hair. "There's the daily dose of Levi we all need."

      "'We'?" he glanced at her. "I. Me. Whatever." she playfully rolled her eyes, before her tone went serious. "Today's the expedition." she sighed, glancing around the room. "I'd better start packing up my shit and moving it to an empty room." she hopped off the bed. Levi grabbed her hand reflexively. "Or... you could stay... " he suggested. Anna turned to him with a smile. "Only if you really want me to."

      "I want you to stay." he said, firmly. "You make it easier for me to sleep." Anna took a step closer to him. "The nightmares go away?" she asked, and he nodded. "Yeah. The same goes for me. Whenever I'm around you, it just makes everything easier. It's so weird. I've never known anything like it. I don't even know what it is. Infatuation, I guess but it's-"

      "I know what it is, Anna," Levi grabbed her shirt gently, pulling her closer to him. "because I feel it, too." their faces were inches apart and Anna could feel the heat rushing to her face again. Her heart once again started flipping about in her chest. "Could you tell me what it is?" she nervously asked. "Tch," scoffed Levi. "I can do better then that."

      Suddenly Anna was unable to speak. Unable to move, and even unable to think of anything but him. His mouth was on hers, moving in ways she'd never known. Was this a kiss? Anna panicked and attempted to kiss him back, only to end up biting his lip hard on accident. Levi pulled away. "Agh! Shit!" he cursed, wiping his finger across his lip to see that he was bleeding. "What the fuck, Anna?"

      Anna held up her hands in a scared defense, her eyes wide and frightened. "Oh, god, Levi, I'm so sorry! I didn't- I don't-"
      "You've never had a first kiss... " Levi connected the dots in his head. "Fuck, why didn't you say something, you shithead?" Anna scolded. "Excuse me?! You're the one who kissed me! I didn't have time to say anything! How was I supposed to know what to do?!"

      "A hundred and nineteen years old and you don't know how to kiss?!" Levi stared at her. Anna nervously rubbed her arms in embarrassment. "Yeah, okay?" her voice cracked. "I've never been kissed because no one ever found me pretty before or wanted anything to do with me. If they did, they died before they got the chance to say so." she glared at him. "And anyone who's attempted to make a move on me, I've stabbed. You should be grateful a split lip is all you got. At least I wanted to kiss you... " she trailed off. "Fucking hell now I sound so stupid." she yanked her jacket off the table and opened the door. "I'm heading down to breakfast. I'll see you at the expedition." she wasted no time in getting down to the mess hall. Hanji was already there with Eren.

      "My hair is so much shinier, Ann- why does it look like you were crying?" Hanji instantly noticed. "I'm not. I wasn't." she rubbed her face. "Her cheeks are red, too." Eren stated. "Nightmare, maybe?"
      "Yeah... one of those." Anna lied. "Terrible one. I woke up screaming." Hanji smiled. "Did Levi console you?" Anna stared at the floor. "I don't want to talk about it."
      "I'm guessing either he didn't and yelled at her for waking him up, or," stated Eren. "based on how badly she's blushing, he kissed her." Anna quickly turned away and grabbed a plate of potatoes. "Anna, no way!" Hanji gasped. "I said I don't want to talk about it." Anna repeated.

      Hanji squealed loudly. "Oh my god, how was it? Was he gentle? Was he rough? Did he slip tongue? Did he grab your ass? How long did it last? Did you two f-"
      "Enough!" Anna slammed her plate against the table. "I fucked up, Hanji! I bit his lip open because I was too fucking nervous to kiss him! I've never kissed anyone before and I didn't know what I was doing." she put her head into her hands. "Wow. Ms. Perfect doesn't know how to kiss?" Eren blinked in shock. "I never would have guessed that."

      "You two have to swear not to tell anyone about this! Don't even ask Levi about it! Please!" Anna begged. "Cross my heart and hope to die!" Hanji saluted. "Yeah!" Eren saluted as well. "Your secret is safe with us, Anna."

      Anna smiled softly. "You guys are the best friends anyone could ever ask for." she ruffled their hair. "So, do you plan on trying again?" Hanji inquired. "It's not bloody fucking likely." Anna sighed. "I fucked up. There's no way in hell he'd want to kis- He's coming." Anna quickly quieted as she heard his footsteps approaching the mess hall. "So, you ready for this, Jaeger-bomb?" she winked. Eren stared at her. "Jaeger...bomb?" Anna gasped in horror. "You've NEVER had a Jaeger bomb?! Have you been living under a rock?!" Levi stared at her as he entered the hall. Hanji snickered. "You were the one living under a rock, Anna." Anna smirked. "Touché. Anyways, next time we're out in town, I'm so fucking buying you guys some Jaeger bombs. They're the shit." Levi glanced at her. "I think you mean they are shit." Anna rolled her eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry Mr. 'I only drink tea for a living'." she mocked. "Sorry I'm an alcoholic. Anyways, that's what I'm gonna call you in Titan form. Hope you don't mind."

      "Uh...I guess" Anna laughed. "Don't. It sounds stupid when you say it." she sipped her drink. "Anywho, you guys ready for the expedition?" she bit her lip. "Ready as we'll ever be." Hanji nodded. "Let's take a step for humanity." Anna smiled. 


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