The History of Anna and The Gang

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Okay so some of you guys have asked a bit about how I came up with Anna and the other characters and since most of you guys don't read the comments made throughout the stories I'll give you guys an in-depth explanation:

So. Anna Urrie. Or rather....Anna Carose [Kah-Rose].

A fuck of a long time ago I did role-playing with my best friend at the time and I had a character named Emily Carose. (ECarose0221 likes to pretend she's her because her name is Emily.) Anywho, Emily Carose was the perfect good girl with a rebellious look— purple hair, tattoos, piercings, rocker clothes, etc.. She was engaged to the hottest, most talented guy in town and was loved by all.


Along comes Anna, her deranged and evil twin who escaped literally from the insane asylum with nothing on her mind but ruining her sister's life.


That Anna I loved but after a few stories she got kinda forgotten about and put on a shelf until I wanted to use her again. Now, my bestie and I had this whole Multiverse made up of characters from literally all of our favorite fandoms, bands, and more.

The story mainly took place in Once Upon a Time's Storybrooke, Maine, but the only actual character we took from the show was Killian Jones/Captain Hook.

Hmm...Killian. As in.... Rose's fiance, Killian?


Rosealine Swan (the og version of Rose) was a princess under an evil King named Leviathan (conveniently shortened to Levi, though not the sexy Levi we're all used to), who was LITERALLY a demon of hell.

Ha...bear with me here.

So that meant Rose had magic powers. So did her sister Jade, who had bright green hair because why the fuck not? They also had a brother who was identical to Rose with the blue eyes and pink hair who was named Roxas but preferred to be called Rebel because he hated his father.

In almost every variation of our stories Rose either ran away from home or was kidnapped by Killian and developed Stockholm Syndrome. Anywho, that's their story.

Ruby now...I liked the character Ruby from once upon a time. If you don't know her, she's little red Riding Hood and the big bad wolf combined. She's a werewolf. That's not even a spoiler, everyone knows it.

Anywho, I liked her so Ruby Lariviere was named and modeled after her. Now as for her personality and backstory (actually for Rose's as well) I turned to my FAVORITE EVER characters:

Scarlett Evans and Bree Evans.

Scarlett is literally Anna with a different face. The way she dresses, talks, and acts is all the exact same. Anna is Scarlett and Scarlett is Anna. There's no fucking doubt about that. Now, on the other hand, Scarlett was VERY protective of her younger sister Bree. However, Ruby has Scarlett’s looks, as in her red and black hair and bright green eyes.

Sabrina Evans, a.k.a. Bree Evans is Ruby's persona. She was innocent, tactical, and refused to hurt anyone unless ABSOLUTELY necessary. It's worth noting here that she adopted two daughters who are going to be Anna's children soon soooo....yeah.

Scarlett would do anything to protect Bree, but Bree felt that was very unnecessary of her and often avoided her older sister since she didn't want the bad rep Scarlett carried with her everywhere.


We know a bit about Anna. A little bit about Rose and Ruby. But we're not nearly done yet.

A few years later I got bored of using most of our OCs and decided to pull from the shelf. I remembered Anna and so I plucked her from the shelf and redid her entirely. I wanted to give her a new backstory, a new identity and a new purpose. So bear with me because this stuff is the stuff of a 14 year old weeb.

Anna Urie: A valkeryie of Asgard, who's sworn duty is to protect the throne, is sister to the famous human singer Brendon Urie. (*Insert cringe*)
One day while patrolling the Asgardian castle she catches Loki “seducing” Killian Jones’ sister (not cannon) Jolly Jones (as in Jolly Roger). Afraid of the things he'd do to the poor girl, Annalise reports him to Odin, who wipes Jolly’s mind and turns her into a ship to torture Loki.

(This all sounded better in our heads)

Enraged by her act, Loki wants to torture the Urie twins in the most cruel way he can. He forces Brendon, a warrior of Asgard to the Midgardian world with all his memories, but no powers and has to pretend to live a normal life while his sister Anna...

Ends up with amnesia and literally has no idea where she is, who she is, nothing. Her Valkyrie wings were ripped from her and everything. She just knows her name is Anna Urie. The only source of magic she has left in her is her gold eye. I found that a really crucial detail of Anna that I had to keep when writing this story.

Soooo....she ends up wandering about L.A. and runs into the devil (because why not) and works as a bartender at his club LUX because he promises he can help her get her memories back.

Low and behold, Anna falls for this warlock kid who looks like Jacksepticeye (also because why not) and he slowly starts helping her remember who she is because she remembers saving his life when he accidentally opened a portal to asgard.

Long story short, they bang. The end.


Her name is Sebastianne Morgenstern or aka Joanna Jones (A different person who married Killian. Okay, there we like 10 girls who got with him. Moving along).

Some of you might recognize the name as Sebastian Morgenstern from The Mortal Instruments. That's exactly who she is as a genderbend.

For those of you who don't know, TMI is a series about this race of fighters called Shadowhunters who are half human and half angel that protect the human world from the demon world by killing the demons.

Except (spoilers) Sebastian is half angel, half demon.

Therefore, Sebastianne/Joanna is the same. Now... Sebastian was illegally experimented on with demon blood to become the perfect soldier by his father Valentine.

*Cough cough cough* hmm...sound familiar? *Cough*


Blood.....spinal fluid...


Oh, and Sebastian(ne) was the best fighter in the world, topping Jace Wayland/Herondale/Morgenstern/Lightwood (This guy has a lot of names. If you're not in the fandom, just accept him as Jace Herondale), the number one Shadowhunter in the world, becoming the strongest soldier.


The illegal experiment is BETTER than Humanity's Strongest???

*Turns to Anna*

Now, 95% of all this weeb crap, we came up with ourselves so try to take the Multiverse with a grain of salt.

Upon writing this story, I wanted to keep Anna as a fighter and I wanted her to be the main character, someone everyone can remember. But I felt that in this dystopian world, she needed a persona that readers would relate to and also that could potentially attract Levi. That's when I stripped Scarlett of her attitude and switched it for Anna's. I also changed her last name from Urie to Urrie to make it less obvious I was connecting ties to Panic! At The Disco. It was then later that I decided I didn't want that to be her real name, but an alias she was forced to live under.

Oh? You're wondering about Cullen?

I literally just wanted Cullen Rutherford from Dragon Age to be in here but I changed his last to the first thing that sounded cool in my head. Gretzky just happened to be it. No, it's got nothing to do with Wayne Gretzky. I do regret killing Cullen off so early, which is why I'm keeping him around in Savoir-Faire, at least for now.

If you guys have any more questions, comments or concerns, leave them in the comment section and I'll get back to you on them. Thanks for reading, guys.

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