Chapter 10

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Dedicated Chapter Song: Diary of Jane - Breaking Benjamin

If I had to, I would put myself right beside you.

       "Finally!" Anna cheered as she grabbed her green cape with the Wings of Freedom printed on it and threw it on

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       "Finally!" Anna cheered as she grabbed her green cape with the Wings of Freedom printed on it and threw it on. "I get to stab some Titans!" she ran towards Cullen in the stables. "This is so exciting, Cull! We'll have allies this time and everything." she grinned. Cullen playfully rolled his eyes and ruffled her hair. "Just don't get hurt. You're not used to the gear."

      Anna swatted his hand away and scoffed. "I can handle myself, Cull. Besides, Hanji and I decided to be Titan buddies on this mission!" she giggled. "What?!" Cullen gasped. "When was there a buddy system?!" Hanji walked over, laughing. "We're going to try to actually capture a Titan today instead of kill them all. I'm so excited to test my newest experiment on them."

      Anna felt sickened by how Zoe worded her ideas. Erwin strode towards Anna and Cullen. "You two," he addressed them. "Be careful out there today. Don't do anything stupid or try to show off." The two of them saluted him as they were taught. "Understood, Commander." Cullen said.

      "Don't forget to follow orders. No matter what." With that, he walked away to get mounted onto his own horse. Anna was given a beautiful pale white horse with heterochromia just like her. One eye was brown and the other was blue. "Hello, beautiful," Anna stroked the horse's mane. "I think we're more alike than you know." she tightened the saddle before hopping up and swinging her leg over the horse. Even for being quite short, she knew how to take the reigns of a horse.

       "Urrie," Levi called. Anna turned to see a sleep-deprived Levi, though he seemed to hide it well. He wore his cape just like everyone else and his normal Scouts outfit with the addition of his white cravat that he wore around his neck. "Captain?" she addressed him. "You are to stay under my watch the entire time. It's not that I don't trust you, it's more that I don't trust myself to not worry about you." Anna smiled teasingly. "Aw, the captain worries for me. Such a touching story." she pretended to wipe her eyes. He sneered at her. "I worry for how you're going to act being under the Scouts. This isn't some thieving mission you brats are used to. Don't make my shit list by disobeying orders." he threatened. Anna tilted her head. "I thought I was already on your shit list. Jeez, I'd hate to be on it now."

      She called out for Hanji. "Looks like we're going to be following the Captain today." she stated. "What? Four eyes is not following us." Levi grimaced. "Aaaww," Anna and Hanji both whined. "But she's my Titan buddy!" Levi rubbed his forehead. "How many times do I have to tell you imbeciles? This isn't a game. Somebody could very well die today if we're not careful."

"Fine." Hanji grumped. "But I call dibs on Anna for next mission!" Anna smiled at that fact. "Move out!" Commander Erwin instructed. Anna tightened the reigns and kicked her heels against the flanks of the horse. She tried to control her thoughts as she went on her first expedition with the Survey Corps. She had to admit, she was rather scared and nervous.

      She wasn't quite afraid of dying. No. She was afraid of letting someone else down and having them die on her. As much as she hated to admit it, in the recent week she'd been with the Levi Squad, she found them to be like family. The only family she'd ever had was her friend Ruby and obviously Cullen.

      Bringing up Ruby was always a sore subject to Anna. The two were practically sisters back in the Underlands.

      "A-Anna! Kill the beast!" Ruby cried, her bright green eyes filled with fear

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      "A-Anna! Kill the beast!" Ruby cried, her bright green eyes filled with fear. A younger Anna laughed softly. "It's only a rat, Rubes. The worst you'll get is rabies. Shoo!" she swept her broom to kick the rat away and outside the hideout. The preteen Ruby sat up on the wooden table in the kitchen and sighed in relief. "Phew! I was sure it was going to eat my brains out."

      "That's not one of those surface monsters. It's just a scared little mouse looking for some food and trying to survive among the master race." Anna mindlessly spoke as she continued to sweep the infinitely filthy wooden floor of the kitchen. It was always dark and dirty down there.

      "Kinda reminds you of us, huh?" Ruby asked, a curiosity in her eyes as she tied up her black and red hair into a bun. "Humanity, I mean. We're all just scrambling to survive and trying to hunt for food when along comes the master race of monsters. Some of us, those that are strong that hold the 'rabies' are able to kill off a few of those things, though they die in the process." she hopped off the table and grabbed a mop. "Just like rats."

      Anna frowned. "Someday, Rubes, you, me and Cullen are all gonna make it out of here. That, I swear." she held out her hand. Ruby smiled and met Anna halfway by taking her hand. "I'm holding you to your word, Urrie."

      Anna would've never really noticed she'd zoned out, had it not been for someone swiping their finger underneath her eye

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      Anna would've never really noticed she'd zoned out, had it not been for someone swiping their finger underneath her eye. She blinked and looked to her side to see Levi with his hand extended near her face. "You were crying." he stated, though it sounded more like a question. Anna blinked and touched her cheek to feel that it was indeed wet.

      "Oh." was all she said before looking straight again. "Something on your mind?" he questioned. "Nothing you would care about." she replied, coldly. "And nothing I would personally care to bring up." Cullen looked back at Anna from his position further up. "You alright there, A?"

Anna narrowed her eyes at him. "I'm fine, Gretzky. Mind your own business." Cullen blinked at her sudden rudeness, but turned back around and followed the rest of the group.

"One day, Ruby..." Anna whispered to herself. "I'll make it up to you... "


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