Chapter 6

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Dedicated Chapter Song: I'm No Good - New Year's Day

I'm no good at regrets, proud to be such a mess.

"Rise and shine, Cadet Urrie!" Anna's sheet was suddenly ripped off her body

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"Rise and shine, Cadet Urrie!" Anna's sheet was suddenly ripped off her body. She just groaned and sat up, glaring daggers at the blond haired boy she called "friend". "You're eager." she tilted her head, noticing the strange wired swords and metal boxes attached to his hip. "The hell is that?" she mumbled. Cullen grinned. "They call it 3D maneuver gear. It's like flying through the air rather than climbing up the tiles and bricks like we're used to. It'll make things so much easier!"

"When did you get that? How come I didn't get one?" Anna asked. "You didn't get up early! Come on! Levi is gonna make you clean his office if you don't move your arse!" he yanked her out of bed. She'd slept in her uniform so she didn't have to change. She found it easier to sleep in her uniform since she rarely slept anyways. "Race you!" She laughed and practically glided down the stairs towards the training barracks. Levi was already there with the rest of the squad. His steel grey eyes locked on the two late cadets running over to the group. "Tch, and what's your excuse for being late, Urrie?"

"I apologize, sir. I overslept. It won't happen again, sir." Anna noticed everyone else wore those same wired cables and boxes and her eyebrows furrowed. "Hanji, Jaeger, get Urrie set up on the crane," he instructed. The two soldiers rushed to some strange structure Anna had never seen in her life. It had two cables hanging down from it and a lever on the side. Levi turned to her. "You may be an expert in climbing, but that'll only slow us down. You'll be caught by a Titan in no time. This maneuver gear allows you to use a set of grappling hooks and gas tanks to fly through the air and reach higher places, as well as attack the Titans more effectively."

"I've got the basic concept, sir," Anna said, coldly. "I can figure it out from here." she walked over to Hanji and Eren, who helped buckle her into the contraption. She kept her eyes on Cullen, who gave her a reassuring nod. Eren cranked the lever and she sucked in her breath as her feet lifted on the ground. Anna controlled her breathe and distributed her weight evenly. Levi tapped his lower lip as he thought. "Raise it higher." He instructed. Eren cracked the lever again, lifting Anna higher, but her pose didn't move at all. She kept her eyes dead set on Levi as if smirking at him with her eyes while maintaining a straight face. Levi tilted his head. "Can you do a flip in the harness?" he tried her.

"You say 'jump' I'll say 'how high', commander," Anna responded and leaned backward, pushing all of her weight back and flipping upside down, then arching her back and swinging her legs to bring herself back upright. She panted a bit, her brown hair falling into her strange eyes. Then she flipped forward, doing the same thing she did backward, only in reverse. When she was upright again she just crossed her legs at the ankles, making sitting in the air harder and crossed her arms. "Was that it, commander? I told you I could grasp the concept easily." She smirked. The strawberry-haired girl named Petra gasped. "Woah! She's able to stay upright even like that?! How much of a badass can she be? She might even be better than you, Corporal." Petra teased, to which Levi cursed at her.

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