Chapter 3

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Dedicated Chapter Song: The Arsonist - New Year's Day

How does it feel to take a life away? You turned your back on me so easily

How does it feel to take a life away? You turned your back on me so easily

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"Listen up, and listen hard, kiddos," Levi spoke, sharply. "Now that you're members of my squad, you're under my command. That means that as long as the two of you live, I control what you do and where you go." Anna slammed her foot on the ground "You will never my commander, you punk!" she spat. "There's only room in my head and my heart for one commander for me to follow! And that commander is Cullen Gretzky!" she grabbed her comrade's hand tightly. He only smirked at Levi.

Levi tilted his head. "How pathetic. Well, we won't have to worry about there not being enough room for two, seeing as one of you is bound to become Titan fodder." He continued walking along, leading them towards Headquarters. Anna and Cullen exchanged confused glances. "...Titan fodder...sir?" Cullen questioned. Levi snorted. "Those monsters the two of you were slaying in Shinganshina. They're called Titans. Did the VMs call them something different?" he inquired. Anna spoke up. "There was no name for them. Our orders were only to kill the beasts."

"And who did these orders come from?" Levi's eyes glistened as they watched her every move intently. Anna only made a zipping motion across her lips, to which Levi glared. "I see," he mumbled. "Come on. I'll take you to meet the rest of my squad." Anna scoffed. "If they're anything like you, I'd rather just go straight to the cell you plan to keep us in." Levi stopped once more. "Who said I was placing you in a cell?" he stared at her. "I can tell based on your body actions that you're stiff because you don't trust us. Your eyebrows are also furrowed in a way they weren't in the courtroom, suggesting that you're making a conscious decision while bringing us to your headquarters. You believe we are still a potential threat, given you assume we're under orders of the Head of the Violet Masqueraders, correct?" Levi said nothing, but his mouth was open just enough to where he looked slightly shocked. Anna continued. "Based off of your reaction, I gather my hypothesis was correct. You probably have in your mind that we plan to assassinate you and your entire crew in the dead of night, though we no longer have any reason to." She smiled.

"No longer?" Levi turned to fully face her. "Do continue." Anna shrugged her shoulders and stretched her arms. "You see, Levi-" he cut her off. "That's Corporal Levi to you." she rolled her eyes. "Yeah, whatever. You see, Corporal," she put in extra emphasis on his title. "Cullen here and I have both wanted out of the VMs since we were even brought in. Our hope was to join the Survey Corps and escape our miserable lives as thieves. In fact," she placed her hands on her hips and laughed. "You've just given us everything we've ever wanted!" Anna nudged Cullen, who only grinned and nodded.

Levi watched the two of them, not impressed. "That's good news for the two of you then. Now stop wasting my time with your pathetic backstories or I'll make you run laps and clean the entirety of HQ." he threatened. Some auburn-haired girl with circular glasses popped out of nowhere and smiled widely upon seeing Levi. "Go, Squad Levi!" she cheered, throwing her hands into the air. "You two made quite the impressive act to be able to instantly join the Scouts." She grinned. Anna recognized her voice from when she was bagged in the carriage. "Hanji, wasn't it?" Anna said with her cool and calming voice. She smiled just a bit and extended her hand. "Anna. Anna Urrie. The blond one is Cullen, though I assume you already know that." Hanji took Anna's hand and shook it excitedly, then turned to Levi. "How did she know my name? You didn't tell her, did you?" Levi eyed Anna suspiciously. "No..." Anna giggled. "No, but your Corporal here did mention your name when in the carriage transporting us to the courtroom. I have an eidetic memory, meaning I can remember literally everything. It's a blessing and a curse."

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