Chapter 39

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Dedicated Chapter Song: Eyelids - PVRIS

I'll face my fear of the evening once I get used to this feeling. I can't sleep. That's when you're torn away from me.

      "Knock, knock!" Hanji beamed at the door to Anna's office

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      "Knock, knock!" Hanji beamed at the door to Anna's office. It had been almost a month since Anna had became second in command, yet she attempted to avoid everyone at all costs. Especially Levi and Hanji."Go away, Hanji." Anna groaned, rubbing her forehead as she looked down at a report, her eyes scanning over the information. It was night out, but she still hadn't eaten anything yet. "I have a request for you." she stated. "It's from the Military Police." Anna sighed. "Slide it under the door." she said. Hanji bent down and slipped the envelope underneath the door, letting it slide into the middle of the room. "You okay, Anna?" Hanji asked. "Go. Away." she repeated. Hanji frowned. "Something wrong?" 

      Anna glared at the door. "Only everything, shithead. Piss of before I open that door, rip off your glasses and break them." she sneered. Anna listened close as she heard Hanji's footsteps getting quieter as she walked away. "She still won't let anyone into her office." Hanji informed Levi, who only sighed. "Why does she always shut herself in?" he shook his head. "She's worse than you." 

      "I know." Levi walked towards Anna's office. "Turn around and walk away." Anna said before he even got the chance to knock. "Let me in, Anna. That's an order." Anna nonchalantly denied him. "Fuck you and fuck your orders. I'm busy." Levi grunted. "Open this door or I'll kick it down." Anna snorted. "Go ahead and try. There's several steel locks on the door I placed there myself. The best you'll get is a broken ankle. Not like you're not used to that." she put the signed report into an envelope and tossed it into the basket next to her desk. "Tch! What's your problem, shitface?! Suddenly you get a rank and you think you're better than all of us?!"

      "I am better than all of you." Anna reminded. "Rumor or not, I'm in this chair because I earned it. I didn't have to fuck anyone to get here, no matter what the rest of you lowlifes think. Now get lost!" she hissed. Levi's eyes widened in realization. So those were the rumors everyone was murmuring about. "Anna..." he said quietly, storming away from the door to go find Hanji again. 

      Anna sighed angrily and dug through the requests, requisitions and reports, until she came across a different envelope. Her eyes widened at the wax seal on the front. A purple wax with the VM stamp. She turned it over to see it was addressed to her. Taking her letter opener, she sliced across the top of the envelope and yanked out the letter, her heterochromia eyes widening as she read it. 


      Or shall I call you 'traitor'? I was certain the poison would have killed you, but yet again you have surprised me. That'll be the last time. Remember that little Captain you're so infatuated with? He'll be no more if you don't return to me. Actually, none of them will live if you don't return. I had several spies in the camp to watch over you and report back to me about your so-called "mission". Who do you really think was responsible for the deaths of that whiny bitch's Titans? You really think you can eradicate us? Ha! Don't make me laugh! You have one day to return or your "friends" will start dropping like wild flies. Make your choice, Kasahara. They're not your friends. They are your enemies. They will kill you when they find out about what you really are. This is my warning to you, punk.  


      Anna jumped out of her chair faster than she'd ever moved in her life. She had to give up her life in the Survey Corps to make sure the rest of them stayed alive? Would she really be willing to do that? No, it wasn't a matter of whether or not she felt they were her friends or not. Humanity needed these people. She grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled down a note, placing it in an envelope. Tears were falling from her eyes as she contemplated her thoughts. There was no denying she made her decision. She didn't have a choice. 

       She unlocked her door and snuck up to Levi's room. Thankfully he wasn't there. It would have made this all harder for her. She set the note on his pillow and sighed, looking around the room. With a regretful sigh, she ran downstairs to grab her ODM gear. It took her only a few seconds to strap it on. She waited until everyone began to head up to their rooms before she ran to the stables to grab her horse. "Come on, girl." she placed her saddle on the horse and quickly mounted it. "Goodbye, Levi..." she whispered, yanking the reigns of the horse. Luckily for her no one heard her leave, which made everything all the better as she raced back to the Underlands, hating her life once more. 

      When Levi reached his room, his eyebrows furrowed to see the door was open

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      When Levi reached his room, his eyebrows furrowed to see the door was open. Hesitantly pushing it open, his eye caught the envelope on his pillow. "Huh?" he picked up the letter, seeing his name in Anna's handwriting on the front. A small smile crossed his face until he opened it and read. 


      I'm so sorry you ever had to find this letter. If you've found this, I'm already gone. Something's come up that could harm you. That could harm everyone. If I don't take care of it, people will die. I can't let anyone else die because of me. Especially you. If I don't come back, please don't think I ran away. I'll most likely be dead. This is goodbye for now, Captain. Don't forget about me, okay? I won't forget about you.

~Annalise Kasahara' 

      Levi had to bite his wrist to try and muffle the sounds of him crying. She was gone and it wasn't certain she would ever come back. The only person he had ever really attached himself to in years, and she was gone. Levi laid down that night, praying it was all a dream and he would wake up soon. Sometime in the middle of the night, however, he woke up from a nightmare about Anna dying. He sat up and rolled over, expecting Anna to be lying beside him, but all there was was the note. Levi shut his eyes and slammed his head against his pillow, letting out a painful cry. 


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