Chapter 40

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Dedicated Chapter Song: Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift

Look what you just made me do, look what you made me do.

      Anna walked down the cobblestone streets of the Underground City, her feet barely dragging behind her

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      Anna walked down the cobblestone streets of the Underground City, her feet barely dragging behind her. She was so tired. People who recognized the Wings of Freedom on her jacket gasped and cowered in fear. Anna sighed and removed the jacket, throwing it into the street as she continued trudging to the VM headquarters. Disguised as a brothel, Anna shoved the door to the home of the Violet Masqueraders. "I'm back, assholes." she sneered, seeing the semi-familiar faces of her peers staring back at her. "Where is Boss?!" she thundered.

      "A-A-Anna... we thought you were dead..." a frail blond girl shook. "Yeah? Well, you thought wrong, Janice. I'm alive and more pissed off than ever. Where- is- Boss?!" she whipped out her sword and pointed it at the children. "He's on the South side! By the broken down caravan for fish." an older boy spoke up. Anna grinned. "Thank you, Miles." she slammed her sword back into her gear and stomped out of the HQ. Anna hated the stinging pain in her chest every second she thought about Levi. How bad would he hurt losing her? Did he even really care if she were gone? Thoughts like this flooded her mind as she leapt from rooftop to rooftop, sparingly using her ODM to help her out here and there.

      She saw the broken down fish caravan in sight and jumped off the rooftop, landing in a crouch before the alleyway beside it. "I'm here, you bastard." she said lowly, hearing Boss's vile chuckle. "Well, well, the rat came back."

      "You poisoned me." she pointed her sword at him. "Did you doubt I was telling the truth?" her voice was breaking at almost every turn. "I know you better than anyone, Urrie. You're not able to lie to me, child." Boss crossed his arms. "If you know what's good for you, you'll stand down. Or would you like to lose all memory of your precious Captain?" Boss's red eyes flashed as two burly men stood behind Anna, ready to grab her.

      Reluctantly, Anna lowered her sword and let it clatter to the ground. "That's my girl." Boss grinned. Anna stiffened. "I refuse to kill anyone anymore. I will steal whatever you need, but I will do it in a non-lethal way. If you want a hitman, recruit someone else. Those are my conditions."

      "Fair enough as long as you get the job done." Boss agreed. "Welcome back, Urrie." Anna stared at the ground. "Yeah..."

      Levi looked out to the forest before the Scouts Headquarters, as he had every single day for the past 10 months since Anna had left

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      Levi looked out to the forest before the Scouts Headquarters, as he had every single day for the past 10 months since Anna had left. Every agonizing day he felt the same pain over and over again when the thought of her crossed his mind. "Just give up, Captain," Hanji said quietly as she approached him. He always dedicated one hour to searching the perimeter in hopes of Anna returning. "She's not coming back."

      "You don't know that, four eyes." he grumbled. Hanji crossed her arms. "Face it! She left you- she left US! The pressure got to her and she gave up. She's probably dead by now." Levi grabbed her by the hair. "Don't say that!" he sneered. Hanji gulped. "Anna's strong. She isn't dead. I know for a fact she's alive. She'll come back. In time."

      "It's been almost a year! When are you going to let her go?" Hanji said when Levi let go of her hair. "Eat shit, four eyes." he tromped away. "He's still uptight over her?" Eren asked as he walked over. "His mind has been on nothing BUT her. His performance in the field hasn't changed much, but you can't help but wonder what goes on when he's locked in his office."

      "I thought I heard him crying the other day." Eren stated. "I wouldn't doubt it. Levi's the most emotional of us all, but he knows how to hide it best. There's no doubt in my mind that he was in love with her."


"Probably still is."

"We all miss her." Eren looked out to the forest. "It's not just him."

      "And who's this little brat?" Anna laughed maniacally as her comrades dragged a young girl before her feet

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      "And who's this little brat?" Anna laughed maniacally as her comrades dragged a young girl before her feet. Anna stood tall, wearing a white crop top and black pants, a black mask around her face. "Aaww, look at her squirming." she cackled, kicking the girl in the guts. The young girl squealed in pain. "Pathetic. Stand up and fight!" she stepped back from the frail girl. "I...I can't..." she whispered. "And why not?" Anna crossed her arms. "Because.... it hurts... It hurts so bad."

      Anna crouched down to meet the girl's eye level. "Exactly." she grinned. "Now tell me, what do you know about the Titan Shifters?" she demanded. The girl shook her head. "I don't know anything! Ymir didn't tell me anything!" Anna glowered at the girl. "You're lying." she stated, taking out one of her daggers from the scabbard on her hip.

      "No! Please!" the girl squirmed. Anna's comrades held her down as Anna put the cool, sharp metal to the girl's cheek. "Shhh..." she cooed, her eyes locking with the girl's. "Tell me what you know or I'll make sure you always smile." she grinned.

      "I-I know who some of the sh-shifters are... " she shook. "Go on." Anna requested. "A-Annie Leonhardt... R-R-Reiner Braun... " the girl stuttered. "A-and F-Frieda... R-Reiss... " Anna grinned widely. "Thank you, ever so kindly." she brought her knife up and slashed across the young girl's neck.

      The corpse fell at her feet as Anna wiped the blood onto her shirt. "Ugh. I hate white." she mumbled, wiping her knife with the edge of her shirt. "Get that thing out of her and start tracking down Reiner Braum, Annie Leonhart and Freida Reiss." she commanded. "Yes, Captain!" her two comrades nodded. Anna's blue and gold eyes glowed in the dark room. "And once I'm finished with the Shifters... " she said in a horse and raspy voice. "Levi, I'm coming for you."


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The Captain - Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now