Chapter 7

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Dedicated Chapter Song: I'm Gonna Show You Crazy - Bebe Rexa

Loco, maniac, sick bitch, psychopath, yeah, I'm gonna show you. I'm gonna show you.

      "I wouldn't necessarily say I'm strong," Anna laughed quietly, assumed by how angry Levi looked

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      "I wouldn't necessarily say I'm strong," Anna laughed quietly, assumed by how angry Levi looked. "I'm as fragile as a toothpick and I can barely lift a potato sack." somehow she managed to laugh at this. "I'm practically useless in those areas of life. At least until I gain some weight back and maintain a good physical appearance. Though, I think I'll hold off on stealing the grumpy's dwarf's title." she nudged Levi, who kicked her in the leg. "Don't touch me or I'll kill you. I'll even make it look like an accident, too." he stormed away. Anna giggled. "Somebody is upset. Aaaanywho, guess I'm off to clean the arse's office. See you guys!" she skipped away.

      "Is it just me, or does torturing the Corporal seem to excite her?" Cullen furrowed his eyebrows. "She must reeeally hate him." Eren walked over. Cullen shrugged. "She doesn't really get along with people in general. She hates mostly everybody she meets. The surprise that even talked to you two is a big shocker." Eren chimed in. "She was nice to me last night when I brought her down to dinner. Guess I'm special, huh?" Cullen scoffed. "Guess she likes this one. That's rare."

      Anna whistled a tune to herself that she learned down in the Underlands. It was four short tunes followed by five faster tunes. Do do, do do, do do do do do. Then the tune changed to another 5 tunes, followed by six. Do do do do do, do do do do do do. And finally 12 tunes followed by 11 other tunes. Do do do do do do do do do do do do, do do do do do do do do do do do. "...strange things did happen here..." Anna sang to herself as she headed up the stairs. " stranger would it be..." In the Underlands Anna learned many shanties- as they liked to call them- and learned how to sing almost all of them. "...if we mid...night in the hanging tree." she knocked on Corporal Levi's door. "State your name and business." he ordered from behind the door. Anna rolled her eyes. "Anna Urrie here to clean your office as you ordered, sir."

      Levi snorted upon hearing the girl's voice. "Come in." he said. Anna pushed the door open and dragged the cleaning supplies inside. She didn't make eye-contact with him as she scanned the room, seeing how clean it already was. But she scoffed and smirked at him. "What do you even do in here? This room is disgusting." Levi slammed his fist on his desk. "What?!" he growled. She stifled a laugh. "There's a layer of dust covering the floor from your filthy boots, a cobweb in the right corner of the closet over there, a stain just barely underneath your desk, your books are out of order, and just look at you desk covered in paperwork!" Levi's silver-grey eyes sparkled. "That's why you're here, isn't it?" he returned to his cool and calm state. Anna placed a hand on her hip. "Leave it to me." she stated proudly.

      She started by rearranging all of his books and dusting off the covers and placing them in alphabetical order. "How could you treat these darlings so poorly?" she mumbled, sighing at the fraying spines. "They are so much more than objects." Levi arched an eyebrow at her. "What are you on about now, you spineless brat?" Anna kept her mouth shut, refusing to answer him. Levi shrugged her off and went back to doing paperwork. Somewhere along the line of getting down to sweeping late in the afternoon Anna ended up humming the same tune from earlier, unable to get it out of her head. Levi noticed her humming and looked up, only to be surprised by how much cleaner everything all of a sudden was. She made him look like a damn fool!

      "Are you, are you, coming to the tree?" Anna sang quietly. Levi cocked his head and watched her. "They strung up a man, they say who murdered three," Anna swept the floor with vigor, eager to get that layer of dust off. "Strange things did happen here- no stranger would it be, if we met at mid...night in the hanging tree..." Putting down his paperwork, Levi seemed to listen to her voice. "Are you, are you, coming to the tree? Where dead man called out for his love to flee. Strange things did happen here- no stranger would it be, if we met at mid...night in the hanging tree." she set the broom aside and grabbed the bucket of soapy water and the sponge, mindlessly singing as she began to scrub the floor. "Are you, are you, coming to the tree? Where I told you to run...." her eyes suddenly seemed distant as her voice grew quieter and her head lowered. " we'd both be free...strange things did happen here- no stranger would it be. If we mid...night in the hanging tree." she returned to scrubbing as she was before, her voice picking up just slightly again. "Are you, are you, coming to the tree? Wear a necklace of hope, side by side with me. Strange things did happen here- no stranger would it be. If we met, at mid...night in the hanging tree..." she trailed off as she glanced up to see Levi staring at her.

      His expression was unreadable as he had one hand draped over his mouth and his eyes were fixated on her. She gulped and lowered her head. "Was there a reason for interrupting my work with your singing?" He grilled her. She lowered her shoulders. "No, sir. I just enjoy singing when I work. It's something I'm used to. I'll stop, I'm sorry." she mumbled. Levi sat back in his chair. "I didn't say you had to stop. Just don't distract me, brat. Got it?" he growled. She nodded slowly. "Yeah..." her voice trailed off as she continued to think of another song. None came to mind, so she didn't sing. She hummed a few tunes, but her mouth never opened wide enough for lyrics to spew out of it.

       When she was done with the office, she wiped off her forehead and looked over at the Corporal who seemed to look more exhausted than she was. His eyelids were practically closed as he tried to read some kind of document. Anna bit her lip before turning to him. She took in a breathe and set aside the cleaning supplies, taking a stand and opening her mouth to sing once more. "Shadows fall and hope has fled. Steel your heart, the dawn will come...." she sang with her hauntingly beautiful voice. Levi's head raised as he watched her inch closer to his desk, swaying a bit, innocently, as she sang. "The night is long and the path is dark. Look to the sky for one day soon," she raised her head to match his gaze, which was tired, but curious. "The dawn will come." Levi's lips parted like he was going to say something, but Anna put a finger to her lips and winked. Her voice raised just a bit. "The Shepherd's lost and his home is far. Keep to the stars, the dawn will come," she walked just a bit closer to him, hoping to lull him to sleep. "The night is long and the path is dark. Look to the sky for one day soon...The dawn will come..."

      To her surprise and delight, Levi's eyes looked like they were growing heavier, but he still was tense as though he were trying to fight sleep. Anna only smiled ever so softly and took her hair out of the ponytail it was in, letting the brown tresses spill down her back like a chocolate waterfall. "Bare your blade and raise it high," Anna placed her hands on his desk and kept her eyes on him. "Stand your ground, the dawn will come. The night is long and the path is dark. Look to the sky for one day soon....." she noticed Levi's hand eventually drop from his face in exhaustion and his eyelids shut. She had done it. She had lulled the Lance Corporal to sleep."The dawn will come..."


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