Prologue Steph

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Prologue  - Steph

Aug 1985

Steph’s parents were splitting up. They told her at four in the morning. She was nine years old and her world was falling apart. Her father was leaving that day. She didn’t know where he was going just that he was leaving and her secure world  was being torn apart. Her grandmother ,bless her tried to make things better but nothing in her world would ever be  Her mother’s best friend,Cathi  suggested a trip somewhere to get her mind off of things.They  were picked up and drove for what seemed like forever even though they only ended up at Cathi’s sister’s house in another county not far from the city. Marie ,a kind woman thought that swimming and spending time  with her family instead of wallowing and dealing with the loss of her parents marriage and her father leaving  would lessen the blow somewhat and keep her busy. Being an only child there weren’t many things for her to do and she hadn’t had the best of summers so far. When they reached Marie’s they were greeted by several older kids.All of them were older than Steph. Well except one and he annoyed her immensely.This had been a bad idea.A really bad idea.Just then Cathi’s son who was about a month younger than Steph pushed her in the pool.She sputtered as she came up for air.Giving him a dirty look her anger of the day reached peak and she shoved him under the water.Getting out of the pool she slipped on the deck steps sliding down the last two.Road rash and scrapes were all over the back of her thigh and leg.And mud.She was covered in mud.Marie rushed over to rinse her leg and help her clean up the scrapes. She didn’t notice the tall guy over by the swing watching.Steph was so pissed she stalked off to the car and changed.They left a short while after dark and returned home for the night.Steph was still furious at Cathi’s son,the situation with her parents and almost busting her butt on the deck.”Yea way to make the day better.. right “ she complained to herself as she drifted off to sleep later that night.
Nov 1991

Steph was in the beginning her sophomore  year of high school.She hadn’t been to Marie’s with Cathi for quite some time.They were at her house for a banquet for one of the  local volunteer  fire deptartment.Steph was able to bring a friend which helped.She wasn’t sure what or who the going away party was for or why but she figured what the hell.She recognized some of Marie’s children when they got there from when she had been there five years ago.Things had definitely changed she had a step father who treated her as his own ,her mom was happy again and she was in the high school she pushed for as a writing major.She hadn’t heard or seen her father in a few years.He promised he’d be in her life but his alcoholism and lies kept him out of it.Not that she needed him.She loved the family she had around her.
Sitting drinking a sprite she sat chatting with Michelle.”Who’s that?” Michelle’s guy radar must have been going off.She looked over.”One of Marie’s sons I guess”she answered shrugging.”He’s CUTE!” Michelle exclaimed.”You think every member of the male species is cute.And not so loud we don’t need him hearing your big ass mouth”Steph hissed.
“You sayin I’m not cute ?” came a deep male voice from behind them.Steph wanted to crawl in the nearest hole.She turned and looked behind her.He stood smiling sheepishly.Michelle got up to get another drink and he took the spot she vacated.Leaning in close “Having a good time ?” She felt the blush immediately.He moved closer .She felt the heat in her cheeks intensify.The hall was filled with fireman in various levels of intoxication.John had been designated rookie of the year and was definitely celebrating that fact.They were up dancing and he came over and began dancing with them.When a slow song came on he pulled her onto the floor with him.Every chance he got he pulled her closer.”Your mom’s gonna kill me” he told her every time he pulled her closer.But she had never felt so safe in her life.Never felt the feelings she was at that moment.All too soon the banquet was over and they were back in Philly.Michelle was pissed because she said she abandoned her to dance with him.They fought that weekend almost ending their friendship over him.
December 1991 
Christmas eve that year Steph’s adopted second grandmother died.She was at her own grandmother’s helping with the tree when her mother called from work.Between Christmas and New Years they had her funeral and buried her.Pearl had known that Steph had a crush on John and that apparently John liked her as well.She wanted to go to him so bad during the funeral,to comfort him something.But felt uncomfortable doing so.

May 1992
They began dating despite the age difference and were married the following October.
They welcomed two children and despite ups and downs they were happily married. until that fateful night

July of 2006
He was gone. Her best friend ,the love of her life was gone .Steph had survived countless shunt surgeries , a cancer scare where they removed a softball sized mass from her belly when she was just 23 years old. And here it was he was gone. She was an  emt and she couldn’t save him .After a failed attempt at taking her own life Steph focused her energy and time on being a single mother ,a role she had never imagined becoming. Devoting herself to her small family Steph became numb. Hardening herself  to everyone and everything around her…... Noone would ever or could ever replace the love of her life.

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