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Jordan drove like a wildman back to his house. He continued to try to text and call her even calling her daughter and Laura to see if they could help .There wasn't much they could do she told him because Steph was still in the air. Jordan  hung up , picked up his phone again he began  calling  his manager. Cancelling all studio sessions ,press tours ,album releases and appearances until further notice. Jordan  cited a personal emergency and left it at that. Driving next to his mother’s Jordan went to see his  family. Knowing they’d be there for a birthday party for one of his family members. When he got there Jordan loudly slammed the door announcing his presence ,as he exploded .When he finished not leaving a second open for any of them to respond Jordan walked back out  ,slamming the door so hard it rattled the beveled glass.

Laura picked Steph up at the airport ; she cried the whole way home. Steph knew she was one hot mess. Steph gave her phone to Tiff so she didn't have to deal with any messages or calls. She tortured herself by listening to his songs just  so she could hear his voice ,until she cried herself to sleep murmuring to the baby  that it’d be ok promising  she would take care of it. She barely ate just enough to make sure she was nourishing the baby. Steph worked every shift she could just so she didn't have to be home left with every reminder possible to think about Jordan. She worked as long as she could and volunteered on the ambulance when she wasn’t working until she was so tired that she fell into bed exhausted every night. When he called she let it go directly  to voicemail. When he texted she deleted it as soon as it came in.

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