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Steph looked out the darkened window to an even darker sky. Nerves and anxiety in overdrive. Steph was afraid to look over at him afraid that if she did  he would disappear
”Don’t be upset with  her. She just wants her mother to enjoy herself for the first time in what I gather is a very long time.”Jordan told her softly.

“Ok “Steph murmured almost inaudibly.

“Ok ?”Jordan asked once more before starting the vehicle
Smiling nervously Steph nodded

Jordan  started the ignition as her nerves kicked in more. He pulled out of the spot and looked over at her “If you’re uncomfortable  with this I can have  Vic or one of the guys come with us “Jordan offered.
Steph shook her head. He watched her chest rise and fall with the steadying breaths she took .Reaching over Jordan gently  grabbed her hand with his free hand
“I told you I’m just a normal guy. I don’t bite .You keep looking down like you’re afraid of me. Please don’t be “he whispered.
Steph slowly  nodded.
”And your body’s imprint is going to be in that door if you lean into it much more “Jordan teased.
Steph shifted slightly so she was sitting straighter in the passenger seat and not up against the door. His unique  masculine clean scent hit her just then sending  her nerves into overdrive. Jordan turned the  car stereo on to break the awkward silence that hung in the air. She cleared her  throat as if she was about to say something .He looked over smiling encouragingly but said nothing.
“Tiff told me about your husband and the hell you’ve been through since. I know this is probably freaking you the fuck out but don’t let it. Please “he squeezed her hand.
Steph suddenly  felt like she was about to pass out. Jordan  shifted a fan on the ac so that it was blowing lightly on her. Anxiety sucked he knew first hand. Jordan  also witnessed her  attack in Philly. After about ten minutes on the road Jordan  began to sing with the radio. Steph began to relax. His voice had always calmed her not that he knew that but this time was no different than any before .Well maybe somewhat different because he was singing right next to her.
”I’m forever yours ….faithfully”.

The song playing was one she usually didn’t listen to as often because it reminded her of Johnny. Hearing him sing it gave her chills.
”Wow” she murmured absentmindedly as a tear slipped down her cheek when the song was over.
”Ah you can speak” he teased as he pulled into the parking lot of a small all night diner.
It was then that Jordan noticed her cheeks were wet.

Damnit why was she crying ?

Thinking quickly Jordan turned to her .
“I was hoping only singing I’ll be loving you “ made you cry. Care to share ? I’m told I’m pretty good listener”
“I don’t know “ Steph whispered staring out the window
Jordan knew something hit a nerve dead on. Hoping to ease her anxiety Jordan placed a gentle hand on her hands which she held together , planted on her lap.
”A drink and conversation?” he  asked smiling ,putting the car in park. Before Steph could respond he  unbuckled his seat belt ,leaned over and pressed his lips to her wet eyes .
“Sweetheart I’m sorry did that song hit somewhere it didn’t need to ?”
Steph was  too emotional to answer and was out of the car before Jordan could blink. He quickly got out of the driver’s seat ,and over to the other side of the car to her .
Pulling her into his embrace  .Jordan whispered

“I’m sorry baby girl if I had known I would have found another song”

She sniffed “I’m sorry you must think I’m an ass “

Did he just call me babygirl ?

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