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The next morning Jordan got the kids up and drove them to school leaving Steph to sleep. Jordan was met with many questioning looks from neighbors and school personnel.
Once that was done he returned to the house checked for what was needed in the house gave Victor a list as he took one of his own. Two hours later he stocked the house full of groceries ,essentials and some surprises for the kids. Checking his watch he realized it was almost ten. Knowing Steph needed to eat and get herself together for the day he went in and gently woke her up.
"Babygirl it's almost ten.I took the kids to school.I'll make you breakfast while you shower if you want " he said softly when she was coherent enough to fully grasp what he was saying. With that Jordan disappeared into the kitchen. Steph could hear the radio playing softly when she padded to the bathroom for her shower.She let out a shriek when she saw the flowers on the table.
"What?!" Jordan exclaimed jumping his brown eyes wide with worry
"Is it the baby? Are you ok?" Jordan demanded standing in front of her.
"We're fine .It was the flowers "she sniffed.
He gave her a look ":Woman you almost gave me a heart attack" he scolded softly
"I'm sorry "she apologized looking nervous. Jordan pulled her close to him and kissed her forehead
"Guess I better fill you in on the other surprises" he shrugged and showed her the stocked cupboards, the surprises he picked up for the kids. Steph glared at him.
"Jordan! You didn't have to do all this"
Ignoring her protests Jordan pulled out another small package. "This is for you " he smirked.
When Steph opened the box she gasped, Inside the box held a couples ring and bracelet each piece of jewelry had diamonds interwoven with their birthstones as well as their names engraved in it She looked at him with tears in her eyes
Jordan quietly shushed her "Get used to little surprises babe"
Steph opened her mouth to protest again but Jordan silenced her with a kiss
"Go shower baby " Jordan murmured as he playfully smacked Steph's ass as she walked away.

The planning for the move shifted into high gear as Steph notified work , the kids schools ,doctors and finally family who seemed to be hesitant until Jordan arranged for the rental of a restaurant , taking everyone out for a farewell meal. Steph's father Tom was never a fan but once he met Jordan , spending time with him Tom could see how much Jordan loved his daughter.He hadn't seen her this happy in quite a long time.
"We're getting married in Massachusetts after the baby is born , sir" Jordan informed Tom while Steph sat chatting with Darlene ,Tom's long term girlfriend who the family welcomed with open arms a few years after her mother's passing.


The day they were scheduled to leave approached quicker than expected, The kids were bursting with nervous energy for the new chapter in their life while Steph's hormones got the best of her.
Jordan hired a private plane to fly them to their new home., their new life.
Once they landed in Boston less than two hours later , a car picked them up whisking them to Milton. Jordan let the kids enter the house first where they were greeted by many of their new soon to be family.DJ poked Tiff playfully before hugging her "Hey sis " he greeted cheerfully.
Tiff poked him back as she hugged him "Hey lil brother "
"Hey I'm not the baby anymore !" she shouted happily as everyone burst out laughing.
Eric jumped on Chris's back choking his neck
"Wanna get this little pigmy off of me " Chris asked gagging trying to pull Eric's hands from his neck.
Jordan grabbed Eric's hands removing them from Chris's neck as he lowered his son to the floor.
"Eric Jacob ! You know better! I know you're excited but choking your older brother is not acceptable!"
Fuck I just became my father
"I'm sorry Chris"
Chris hugged him "It's cool little dude"

Crisis averted.

Jordan had a surprise for the kids as well as Steph and he couldn't wait until they saw it.
The gasp he heard told him Steph found their room.
Jordan purchased new bedroom furniture for all of the bedrooms , had the walls painted the kids favorite colors , as well as adorned with posters of their favorite bands.
Tiff's bellow had Jordan running. She launched herself into his arms crying when he reached her door.
The newly blended family spent their first night in their home hanging out .
Once the kids were all in bed Jordan led Steph to the master bathroom. Jordan disappeared when the kids were getting bathed and ready for bed but Steph didn't know what he was doing or where he went.
When Steph walked into the bathroom she gasped. Not only had Jordan drawn her a bath but he filled the whirlpool with her favorite scent and lined the entire bathroom in candles emitting the same scent.
Slowly Jordan helped Steph undress, kissing her tenderly in each area he removed the piece of clothing.Steph sunk into the blanket of bubbles as Jordan lovingly washed every inch of her body.
"You could have joined me "Steph murmured as Jordan wrapped a towel around her body a little while later.
"Hell no baby I wanted you to relax in your new home."
Jordan finished drying her off before leading her to their new king size bed.
He helped Steph get comfortable on the bed before climbing in next to her, pulling her into his arms. Jordan took his time making love to her as if it was the first time.
Snuggling into Jordan's chest sometime later ,Steph could barely keep her eyes open.
Jordan stroked her hair as he kissed her again murmuring "Welcome home baby girl"
Steph realized then that home wasn't a place for her. They could be anywhere and conquer anything as long as Steph had Jordan with her because she knew her home was in his heart .

*****To Be Continued *****

A/N :The second book "Don't Stop Believing " will be up shortly

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