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Realizing they probably had an audience Jordan broke the kiss and led her back to the table.
Unexpectedly they  spent rest of the night huddled  in that tiny little corner of the  diner talking through their drinks which then led to a shared plate of cheese fries and a  cheesesteak. Steph told him it wasn’t a perfect  Philly one but it was damn close .Jordan made Steph promise to take him to her favorite spot for cheesesteaks while he was there. The time seemed to fly by. Jordan  loved the fact that she began to relax with him. What was meant  Steph assumed was just a short time killing outing to deter restlessness for Jordan  had become much longer, so much more than she expected .Steph silently gasped when she glanced at the time on her phone shocked to see it was almost daybreak. Looking out the window the mixed hues of yellow  and burnt orange  showing the intense heat of  the summer  sun confirmed this fact.
Amazed at how quickly her nerves and anxiety dissipated Steph realized she  missed several texts from Laura. Jordan excused himself to the bathroom so Steph took that opportunity to reply to them. She explained that  yes she was still alive ,  yes she was still with Jordan. No she was not with him  like the way Laura joked and that he was in the men’s room. When Jordan returned to the table she slid her phone back into her purse.
”Jeez I’m sorry we’ve been here all night “ Jordan told her apologetically, seeing the sun’s glare in the diner’s window
”I didn’t realize the time flew by like that “Steph admitted  suddenly feeling bad that Jordan’s second wind  probably wore off hours ago meaning  he was most likely beyond exhausted.
Shaking his head Jordan reassured her that it was fine. He would get rest during his days off the tour.
”Which started at midnight “Jordan told her looking at his watch ,  chuckling.
Leaning  closer nuzzling  her cheek as he looked into her eyes  Jordan huskily whispered  
“Show me around  please ?”  His voice so deep  and husky  it gave her chills
“You’re from Philly I’d love to see your hometown especially since I never see much except maybe the venue in any city.” he admitted .
Then he saw it. The doubt in her eyes .But of what ? Herself ? His sincerity?
Steph unsure of herself and what stupidity could come flying out her mouth at that early hour with no recent sleep, simply nodded
”Would I offend you if I said I’m not ready to take you home yet?”

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