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Steph couldn't see Jordan's face ,unsure of what to say she just stayed quiet.
"You okay back there?" Jordan asked trying to turn around in the chair to see her.
"Mhmm "she murmured still unsure.
"So what do you say? Do you want to make it official?"
"Yes but Jordan is that what you want? I mean your boys,  your ex, your fans ? Won't that cause a shit storm?"
"My fans will get over it, the boys will love you as for my ex, well honestly I don't care what she has to say. I'm sure about this. I want us to be official" he told her honestly. "I want people to know you're mine and vice versa . Needing to see his face because in the past few weeks  she found that would tell her all  she needed to know Steph pressed her hands under his chin , gently forcing his head back enough so that she could look at him Yea it might not be direct but she could still see his reaction and  gauge it  only being able to see the back of his head she definitely couldn't see any of that.
Jordan had the look of excitement and happiness on his face. Almost like contentment. Pressing her lips to his "Definitely unexpected " Steph whispered
"But amazing" Jordan whispered against her lips then kissed her deeply
"It still feels like a dream well that is until what I eat comes back to remind me."she told him honestly.
"I don't remember ever being this sick with my two"
"Oh god " Steph groaned "How the fuck am I supposed to explain all this to my two? The only one who hasn't played twenty questions about you is Tiff  .What about Dj and Eric ?"
"We can tell them  together if you would like?" Jordan suggested.
"Might be a good idea " she chuckled nervously. "Besides I didn't get pregnant by myself "
"Oh no I definitely helped there" Jordan  snickered.
Feeling a blush creep up her neck "Very much so " she teased. He kissed her gently ."Coming back inside with me ?" she  whispered.
"Hell yes" Jordan  replied  getting up to follow her .
The next several days were busy as he went to rehearsals  , checking everything to ensure that the venue was all set for the show.
The morning of the show Steph had a doctors appointment to confirm the pregnancy and to make sure that she had something for the nausea that was safe for the baby,They entered the waiting room together to whispers , snickers and stares Victor followed closely behind them as the stares and whispers quickly dissipated .
"Jordan You don't have to do this ."Steph whispered  nervously as many  eyes gave her dirty looks along with obnoxious whispers about her being his  current  whore conquest.
"Yes I do. It's my baby too" Jordan whispered .
Victor looked at Jordan "They may become catty and obnoxious J "he whispered as the stares turned to glares and the comments became more obnoxious.
"I'll deal with it when it happens" he whispered Victor nodded as he returned to watching the room for anyone who could cause problems.
The nurse called her  name and was flabbergasted when Jordan stood to follow her "Miss ?" The nurse asked curiously but Jordan replied before she had the chance to
"There's nothing short of her telling me to wait here that will stop me from going in with her .Am I clear ?" he told her tersely.
The nurse nodded "Yes sir Mr Knight" she replied timidly
"Good" he replied as they were led to an exam room."They never took any of my insurance information " Steph whispered nervously
"It's taken care of sweetie" he told her.
"Maybe that's why the receptionist was so rude and dismissive when I checked in "she whispered.
"Could have been"
"She was really nasty .I gave her my name and I heard her call me a slut under her breath"
"I'll have Victor take care of that" Jordan  whispered  pulling his phone out to text Victor.
"They keep calling me the flavor of the month."Steph  told him  nervously just as the doctor entered the exam room
Jordan looked at her then the doctor  faking a smile.
"You're definitely gonna have a little one. Must be fairly strong too because  usually doesn't show up on a urine test this quick. Too soon for an ultrasound but I can assure you this little peanut is making his or herself known I've sent a script to the pharmacy for anti nausea medication as well as prenatal vitamins and an iron supplement because it is well below what it needs to be"
"The doctor you choose to follow your pregnancy can give you tips and ways to increase those levels "
"Thank you doctor" Jordan said as he shook his hand."
Thank you Doctor "Steph told the doctor shaking his hand.
"It's not a problem."the doctor told them as he turned to leave
"Hey J tell your mom I said hello " he added looking at Jordan.
Steph looked at him confused slightly"Will do" Jordan replied 

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