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Steph sat on the bed unpacking while Tiff showered when she heard the commotion in the hallway. Screams erupted sporadically and then stopped almost as suddenly. She immediately texted Victor

Steph Is Jordan booked at the same hotel?

Victor Yep

Steph felt her anxiety and nervousness begin to kick in again

Steph What floor?

Victor Same as you sweets so either surprise him now or stay scarce until the show

Steph He wants to skype....

Victor Shit! You better surprise him soon then

Steph And just HOW do you suggest I do that?

Victor His room is 307 which is two doors down from yours. I'm in 305 which is the middle room

Tiff emerged from the bathroom at that moment to see an uneasy look on her mother's face
"What's wrong ?"
"Jordan's two doors down . I heard chaos while you were in the shower so I texted Victor "
Tiff shrugged
"So let him know you're here "she told her mother as she sat down on one of the chairs to watch television.
"I feel funny just knocking on his door ya know ?"
"You said he's supposed to skype you so just answer that duh! Always makin this so damn complicated "Tiff complained to her just shaking her head.
"I'm not making it complicated I'm going for a shower "Steph replied as she walked toward the bathroom.
"Ok whatever" Tiff grumbled
"I feel gross! It is summer you know "Steph snapped justifying her decision.
Tiff rolled her eyes as she went back to the show she was watching.
Ten minutes later Steph walked out of the bathroom. Realizing she left her phone on the table she looked at her daughter suspiciously
"You didn't touch this or do anything did you?"
"No" Tiff retorted as Steph made sure the phone was untouched, sitting down on the other chair trying to figure out what to do. Granted she was there to surprise him but he had just been on a bus for hours and she wasn't sure she wanted to appear over eager or pushy for that matter. Steph heard that enough from others to last a lifetime .Deep in thought she never heard her phone ding from a skype call and then vibrate several times. Anxiety kicking in more than before she began to rethink being there Steph must have been talking to herself because Tiff looked over glaring at her in frustration.
"Are you going to answer your phone?" Tiff asked annoyed.
"What?" Steph replied perplexed
"Your phone is ringing" Tiff said louder as if Steph hadn't heard her .
"Fuck " she mumbled "Tiff you know he doesn't know I'm here "
"I know this. Just go surprise him and get it over with" she said getting irritated with her mother
"Tiff might not be such a good idea "Steph replied hesitantly
"Why?" Tiff asked
"How's that gonna look ? I mean seriously ?"Steph asked
"You've lost your damn mind ,Mom. Jordan invited you so it looks like you accepted that invite. Go fucking surprise him" Tiff grumbled.
"Tiffany !!!!"
"What ? You know I'm right "
You're a brat "Steph retorted.
"You're a chicken shit" Tiff spat back
"Well gee I wonder why "she hissed.
"Go. Surprise. Jordan !" Tiff demanded
Sighing nervously Steph stood up walking to the door "You just wanna get rid of me to watch your damn show "
"Duh" Tiff told her mother as she waved her hand dismissively for Steph to go.
"Goddamnit I'm in my pajamas and you want me to what?" Steph hissed nervously
"Ugh! Put on something cute, fix your hair and makeup and go knock on Jordan's damn door woman!" Tiff demanded as Steph stuck her tongue out at her as she walked to the bathroom
"Yes mother "Steph snickered sarcastically
"Ugh" Tiff groaned
A few minutes later Steph walked out of the bathroom
"Does this meet with your approval?" she hissed
"Looks good" Tiff snapped
"Ok! Ok! I'm going " Steph told her sounding like she was trying to convince herself more than her daughter as she walked out the door.
"Lock the door once I leave "she reminded Tiffany.
Feeling nervous she texted Victor

Steph Two doors down right ?

Victor Yup 307

Steph Ok He doesn't know does he ?

Victor Nope .He has a do not disturb on the doorknob. He always does just knock he'll answer

Steph OK

Steph tried to play it off as she finally texted Jordan who had been blowing up her phone the whole time

Steph Sorry I didn't answer I was in taking a bath

Jordan reread the text

Jordan I was getting worried and you didn't include me in that bath :(

Steph Sorry ?Why?

Jordan No need to apologize babe .You hadn't answered and I sent a bunch of texts. I even tried calling and Skype calling and as for the bath ... well you know water conservation and all :)

Steph Conserve water huh ? By the way I didn't take my phone in the bathroom with me I'm sorry now you got me all nervous

Jordan Absolutely !'m all about conservation. Seriously though I'm just glad you're ok

Steph I'm fine honestly I just got all relaxed in the bath

Jordan That's a good thing babe. You deserve to relax
A few seconds later Jordan heard a very distinctive and familiar ding in the hallway close to his door.

Steph Doesn't happen often so I take it when I can

Jordan Oh?

Waiting to see if he heard the ping again, Jordan stayed just beside the door .

Steph Well you know how it is Kids ,work yea not often enough never enough time in the day most days

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