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As he closed the door Jordan  texted Tiff . 

Jordan  What kind of flowers does your mother like and what color?

Tiff Roses and just about any Why?

Jordan Been a little bit of a rough start to our adventure so I figured I’d surprise her 

Tiff  You’re gonna give her a heart attack 

Jordan Funny I think being here with me already did 

Tiff Good 

Chuckling at her response  Jordan  knocked on Vic’s door
“You have a mission “

Victor eyed  him curiously

“Roses about two dozen” Jordan explained 
“Why?” Vic asked confused

“Steph’s a little overwhelmed I think” Jordan admitted “I thought she might like them.

Victor nodded “Do you need these  before you leave or when you get back from your adventure? “

”How about two for before  then the  rest hidden in her room for when we  get back. Housekeeping should be able to put them in there for a price of course.” Jordan explained hoping Victor would understand  him.

Victor nodded as he got into the elevator. Fifteen minutes later Victor  was back with  roses in every shade of red ,blue ,some purples

Did purple roses even grow naturally ? .  Jordan wondered .

Victor shook his head  shrugging as  he  handed two of the  blue roses to Jordan and hid the rest in his room until they left when  he  would get ahold of housekeeping to let him into her room to place them. Two blue roses in hand Jordan lightly tapped on her door. This time Steph opened the door freshly showered. The smell of vanilla mingling with the  scent of the roses  Jordan  held in his hand invaded  his senses .
“Shall we try this again?” Jordan asked smiling .Steph nodded as she felt the blush enter her cheeks still thinking about when he had come to her door earlier. She hadn’t realized she was only wearing the shirt and nothing but a damn skimpy thong covering her ass. She was mortified.
”These are for you “ Jordan whispered as he leaned in, kissing her cheek. Taking Steph’s hand Jordan led her out to the suv he was driving the night before. Opening the passenger side door for her, he smiled
“Tell me where you wanna show me and we’ll go.” he smirked as he got in the driver’s seat.
Stunned and caught off guard slightly  Steph shyly replied
“Maybe explore Hershey? Or  would  you rather  see Philly ?”
“What would be more private?” he asked already knowing the answer.
”Here in Hershey” she told him.
Staying away from the crowded amusement park, they talked while they explored the chocolate factory as well as the botanical  gardens. When it came time for a real  meal neither were hungry so they decided to get something from the restaurant that was attached to the hotel, taking  it to go.
”Who’s room would you like to go back to and relax?” Jordan  asked shyly  hoping he didn't sound like an ass. Steph hadn’t thought about that.


She looked at him her anxiety and uneasiness evident.
”I promise I’m harmless. I figured eat maybe watch a movie ?Talk some more ?Nothing inappropriate I promise Jordan reassured her softly.
She still looked hesitant.

Tiffany  told him she was unsure of herself but Jordan hadn’t realized it was this bad or obvious
”How about my room? You can  always head to yours when you’re ready he suggested gently.
Steph nodded it made sense and she liked that he wasn’t pressuring her.
He carried their take out back to his room and let her in first. Closing the door behind them he set the take out cartons on the small table and pulled out a chair for her. They talked  while they ate. Jordan told her about life with and without the band. Steph couldn’t help but feel awe as he described what happened when they first made it , over coming his shyness and awkwardness once they hit it big. It still seemed to Jordan that he was the only one opening up. 

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