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Steph gaped at her phone feeling like a total bitch.
She and Laura sat talking about the phone call .
”Maybe it’s legit “Laura  reasoned.
”Why me though?” Steph wondered aloud
Laura shrugged. ”Maybe you’ve had enough bad  situations and it’s time for the good ones ”
Soon the alcohol kicked in and Laura went back downstairs as Steph went to bed rereading Jordan’s messages and  praying sleep would come knowing she had to get up in a few short  hours.

Jordan backed off since their  last conversation. He didn’t want to scare her away. Knowing he had to let things play out her way. Jordan never in his life met a woman as fragile as Steph . He realized that losing her first love played a major part but from what Tiffany  told him there had been nothing but a parade of  players and douchebags since she decided to actually put herself out there and  begin to date again. She had been used and put through a ringer. Tiffany even confided in him that the very first guy after her husband passed  was verbally and then physically abusive. That didn’t sit well with Jordan. There was no excuse for a man to put his hands on a woman .Ever. except out of love. The last was a verbally abusive controlling player. If allowed she feared he would have gotten physical. Headed to Hershey, Steph’s anxiety and nerves were in overdrive mode. She had never purchased  meet and greets with anyone before but here she was after getting screwed over yet  again by people she trusted.  Steph refused to dwell on that. She had been lucky enough to score another vip so she jumped on it.
Steph was exhausted from not sleeping well the night before. Deb told her about a friend who had a vip available. Karen’s  daughter screwed up, got grounded so  she left her home in Maryland. Nervous about doing a vip alone  she needed someone to go with her. Tiff was her choice which made the fourteen year old ecstatic. They had  several hours to go before show time. Loving the energy it created they walked the grounds of the outdoor arena in hopes of seeing one of the members. Steph noticed Tiff was on the phone a lot but figured she was chatting with  friends because of the  unexpected opportunity of the  meet and greet. Laura as well as  her husband Dave   came with them at the last minute because  they no longer needed their originally purchased  tickets due to the unexpected opportunity  of  the meet and greet passes. Laura being well Laura spotted the group onstage most likely doing their  sound check from the sounds of it. Taking  in all the madness that surrounded the experience they walked closer to the origin of the sound.
”Any more messages ?” Laura asked curiously . Steph shook her head.
”Not in the last  several days” Steph replied trying not to sound disappointed. When she looked over the tour schedule she figured there probably wasn’t much time for Jordan to do anything but sleep and perform  .Truth be told she had worked her ass off on the truck that week picking up as many extra shifts as possible and  there hadn't been much time for anything but work ,shower ,sleep ,repeat. She liked being busy like that because it brought in money as well as kept her mind out of where it didn’t belong this time of year. The time had come for them to be let into the arena. Well all vip’s anyway which meant Steph and Tiffany would be parting ways with the others. They were in separate groups so they  separated at that time.  Nervously getting in line as they grouped them all up to go in to meet their special guy Steph’s phone went off with a message from Tiff .Her group was going in before her mother’s. Steph sent a quick reply telling her to have fun as she  concentrated on the group of people around her. She felt someone tap her on the shoulder. Tiff couldn't  possibly have gone through that quickly. Besides she’d be by her seat by now if she had. A masculine voice behind her cleared his throat .Steph looked around for Dave. He was on the other side of the fence with Laura. She knew it wasn’t him. He waved then smirked as he  gestured for her to look behind her. Steph’s phone vibrated again this time she had it  in her pocket. Expecting another  excited text from Tiff with maybe a picture of  her view of the stage or where her seat was  Steph glanced quickly down at   the screen.

Jordan ”What do I have to do to get you to turn around ?” 

She looked at Dave who was hysterical by this point as Laura who kept pointing behind her
.”Turn around woman!” she hollered over the fence. Turning  around slowly .Steph was  eyelevel with broad shoulders.
”Hi “Jordan whispered .
Steph gulped-hi” she croaked just barely above a whisper.
”I thought we discussed  this in Philly.No more panic attacks .I’m just a regular guy remember ?”Jordan reminded  her softly.

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