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You’re more than enough. You’re my world , our family ,all five of them will be too .I don’t know why I allowed them to say the shit they did to you baby. I’m so sorry” Jordan  apologized softly this time not looking up at her. Usually she was the one avoiding Jordan’s gaze. She could see he was hurting as much as she was. Placing her hand under his chin cupping it in her hand as she gently  pulled it up so she was able to look in his eyes
“They were only saying what they felt. Allison was just protecting you”
“I’m an adult. I know what I want and who I love. That’s you” Jordan murmured as a smile formed on his lips.
”What about the boys ?I mean they probably think I’m the biggest bitch and hate me for hurting their father” 
“They’ve asked about you especially  when you’re coming to see them again”
Biting her lip nervously Steph asked  “Really?”
Jordan took his finger and pulled her lip free  before wrapping his arms around her growing abdomen as he pulled her closer  “Really”
“Do they know about their sister ?” Steph whispered nervously
“Obviously I had to tell my two”  Steph explained rubbing her belly as their daughter decided it was time to play.
”They know and they’re excited. They texted me just a few minutes ago to find out if they were going to have a baby brother or sister “Jordan explained showing her the message.
”How did you find out about today’s appointment ?” Steph asked softly reading the text.
”Tiff and Laura “
She wrinkled her nose and made a face “Shoulda known sneaky bitches” Steph mumbled irritably
Jordan chuckled “You never did answer my question” Jordan  reminded her.
”What?” Steph  answered absently Jordan lightly tapped the ring he had placed on her finger presumptuously as he watched her  grinning.
”Oh “ Steph whispered shyly.
”What do you say? Make it official? Be my wife ?”Jordan  asked again a look of uncertainty in his eyes.
”I uh Look if this is because of the baby I can handle being a single mom.I don’t want it  to  be made to look like I trapped you or I’m out for something” Steph  told him  guardedly terrified of having her heart shattered again.
”I know everything happened so fast for us but I  want to marry you because I love you,baby. The baby is a bonus .I know you’re not trapping me we were both there. I knew what I was doing every time we made love” Jordan  whispered soothingly.
”That’s not how  some of your family sees it” Steph murmured.
“Fuck them.I’m marrying you. If they don’t like it they can fuck off “ Jordan  blurted
.Staring at him her eyes wide and unsure Steph said nothing.
Jordan inched closer so close Steph could feel his breath on her ear as he softly  urged her “Say yes “

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