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Three Months Later 

Steph took the day off ,needing  it mostly because she couldn’t work properly as an emt with her growing belly  but also for the sonogram to  find out the sex of the baby. Steph still had a few months to go but could now find out if she was carrying a boy or girl. She knew no matter what the sex was it wouldn't matter because she was sure she’d see the baby’s father in the baby somewhere.
She missed Jordan. Missed his arms around her ,the way he made her feel. She hadn’t felt that alive in so long but it was a dream she would never get to realize. Jordan’s sister,Allison had said as much. She was a fool. Her phone rang she didn't have to look to know who it was.  Jordan.
Letting it go to voicemail as usual. Steph knew once the baby was here she’d have to tell Jordan.He had a right to know but she had time for that.
Stepping into the doctor's office she checked in before walking  to the ladies room which happened frequently since the baby like to sit on her bladder  it didn't help that  she was guzzling a gallon of fucking water.
"Excuse me can I help you uh sir ?" the overly perky nurse in turquoise scrubs asked Jordan being way too chipper for this time of the morning .His coffee hadn't even kicked in yet ,he hadn't slept much on the early flight. He knew he was irritable but his hope was to put them back together .
"My fiancee is here for an ultrasound. Her name is Stephanie Dumont" Jordan mumbled.
“Wait are you -?” she asked all too cheerily for this time of the morning.
”Jordan Knight “ he sighed.
”Stephanie  never said you were coming. She never said she was engaged either. Her record has her listed as widowed.”
“Just get me to the room she’s going to be in Please ? I’ve had a long flight” he replied  exasperated.
”Uh Mr Knight ,um sir she may not want you back there “
“She has no choice This is my child too. I have a right to know about my child's health” Jordan snapped.
”Y-yes s-sir Mr Knight.Follow me please .Shall I tell her you’re here ?” Beth stammered nervously.
”No keep it between us “ Jordan replied with a  conspiratorial wink.
”Yes sir Mr Knight right this way” she told him ,her overly chipper perky attitude returning.
”Thank you”
Beth led Jordan into the ultrasound rooms  instructing him the best place to sit as she walked out the door she told him “My name is Beth.If you need anything else Mr Knight sir please let me know”
”Thanks Beth” he told her as he took a seat on one of the side chairs to wait.
Steph found a spot in the waiting room  sitting down to wait for her name to be called.
She thumbed through pictures on her phone of the two of them while she waited. Twenty minutes later the overly cheery nurse who checked her in called her name .
”My name is Beth, Ms Dumont follow me please”
Steph nodded  following Beth into the ultrasound room. Beth helped her up on the table ,got the necessary items the tech would need
“Lacy will be doing your ultrasound today. She’ll be in  soon she’s in the other room at the moment. ”Beth told her leaving the room.
”Thanks” Steph  replied  as she sat  waiting for the tech to come in. Steph  laid on the table talking to their baby.
Jordan listened for a moment behind the privacy curtain that he  chose to hide behind so she couldn’t see him like the coward he was.
Jordan could hear her talking to their baby. As quietly as he possibly could he slid the curtain back before the tech came into the room.
Steph continued to talk to the baby but out of the corner of her eye she swore she saw the curtain move. Shaking the thought away , blaming it on sleep deprivation she continued to talk to the baby
”Your mommy must be seeing things, there's a ghost in here or maybe your mommy’s just crazy”she whispered. ”Or maybe mommy’s just overtired “she ,mumbled more to herself than to the baby.
Feeling the baby kick Steph chuckled
“Yea I know you had to put your two cents in too."
“We’ll get a nap as soon as mommy has this test and makes sure you’re ok ,little peanut ok?”Steph promised  the baby biting back a yawn.

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