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Jordan’s face lit up as a huge grin broke out across his face “A girl?” he asked making sure he had heard her right.
”Yep definitely a girl. She’s a wiggler almost wasn’t sure if she was gonna let us see” Lacy joked as she handed Steph a towel to clean the gel off with.
”I’m going to go make a copy of the disc for you while you get yourself back together .I’ll be right back” she told them as she walked out the door.
Jordan turned to Steph “We’re having a  baby girl!“ The boys are gonna flip”Jordan told her happily.
A smile curved at the corner of Steph’s mouth
“Chris might not be too thrilled” Steph murmured as she wiped the last of the gel off of her belly, pulled the waistband on her pants up and tugged her shirt down over her belly .Lacy reentered the room with the disc
“Who wants it ? Lacy questioningly  eyed Steph who was cleaning the goop off of her hands
“You can hand it to her daddy”
Jordan took the disc  glancing at the name on it
“Excuse me Lacy the surname on this is wrong .It’s Knight “ Jordan informed her  softly handing it back to her .Lacy’s eyes widened once she recognized who it was she apologized
“I’m so sorry Mr Knight but Ms Dumont never had any of your information placed in her chart.I’ll fix it right now “ Lacy reassured him.
”Thanks “ Jordan told  her smiling  as she left the room again
.”Our princess needs a name.” Jordan smirked
“Mhmm” Steph murmured her mind racing she knew she’d have to explain why his information was never on her chart without sounding like a cold hearted bitch. Lacy walked back through the door interrupting their conversation before she had a chance to answer
”All squared Mr Knight .I brought you a packet that you can fill out with your medical history as well as anything in your family’s that we may need to be aware of for little miss .”
He looked at her stumped
“You can bring it back on the next visit  don’t worry “ Lacy assured him handing him both the packet and disc before reminding Steph to make her next appointment before leaving the room. Steph made the appointment before  they walked to the exit. Without looking up absently  she said
“My appointment is month from today at eleven. If you can’t be there I can bring in the paperwork” When Jordan didn’t answer Steph looked up and for the first time saw how sallow his skin looked ,how puffy his eyes were the slight growth of stubble from not shaving recently and most importantly how much weight Jordan had lost .The once snug clothes in some places now hung baggier and the shirts much looser than before.
”Jordan ?Have you not been eating ? Sleeping ?You’ve lost weight and you  look beyond exhausted “ Steph whispered concerned.
Looking at Steph with sadness in his normally bright brown eyes Jordan admitted “The world stopped when you left so I just stopped too. I just  gave up. It was a vicious cycle of depression baby”
“I thought with the way your family acted you wouldn’t want to still be with me ,that I wasn’t good enough” Steph whispered.

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