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Steph stared  at him wide eyed  in disbelief.
Clarifying himself Jordan  explained 
“Not like that. I just want to spend time with you. I’ll get you a room. Send Vic to get some things from your place so you're comfortable. Please?” Jordan  asked her with  a nervousness she never heard before  in  his voice as his beautiful brown eyes searched hers. Steph slowly nodded. Jordan took his phone out of his pocket , dialing.
“Pack a bag .”he said into the phone smiling at Steph .
”Yea. Some things for like  four to five days. Yea those too. Ok .Vic will be there soon to pick it up. Yea she’s right here. Looking  like a stunned deer  .”Jordan told the person on the other end of the phone  as he winked at her.
Steph just cocked her head confused. He mouthed “Tiff “and pointed to the phone smiling. Nodding in understanding Steph bit her lower lip nervously.
An hour later Jordan   booked Steph into a room next to his at the Hotel Hershey as well as  a packed bag brought to her door personally by Victor. She thanked him with a hug.
”Is he for real Vic? I mean this seems so surreal. Almost  like a dream.”
“He’s for real. Yes he is divorced so stop worrying “ Victor  told her knowingly  before Steph could even ask him that question.
”How did you-?” she started to say but Victor cut her off before she could continue
”The look on your face says it all.” he told her simply as he  walked to his own room for a little more  sleep. Closing the door she still wondered why her. Her phone buzzed as she pulled her bag on the bed to see what her daughter had packed. Picking up her phone she smiled when she seen his name on the screen

Jordan I’m harmless I promise .Did you get your luggage ok?

Steph I never said you weren’t harmless. Yes I did, thank you. Victor brought it to me personally  Jesus did you tell her to pack all of this ?

Jordan Yup I did .I hope that was ok .Just want you to be prepared for whatever adventures we may encounter the next few days

Steph seemed to be more open when not right next to him so she figured she’d send what was on her mind anyway.

Steph Can I ask you something ?

Jordan of course  babe

Babe ? Did Jordan  just call me babe ?

Steph Why me ? A widowed non model sized emt mother of two?  Did you put Victor up to reminding me that you’re divorced ?

When there was no reply Steph figured he was avoiding her question or trying to come up with some bullshit excuse as to what kind of game he was playing .

The next thing Steph knew there was a knock at her door. Without looking out the peephole she opened the door slowly and was greeted by the huge dimpled smile  of one of her favorite people.

”May I ?” Jordan asked motioning to come in.

Nodding as she nervously bit her lower lip Steph stepped aside so he could enter the room. After closing the door she turned to him confusion on her face.
”Why you? “Jordan asked smiling shyly
Steph nodded.
”Because you have been through so much. What you do and  endure on the day to day. I admire your strength, courage. I would like to get to know you. Is that such  a bad thing ? Or are you just infatuated with the  person  you see on stage not the actual man that I am?” Jordan eyed her as he questioned  skeptically 
”I don’t know much about you except for what I’ve read over the years and of course what  I’ve seen on stage.” Steph admitted softly feeling awkward.
”Does that mean you don’t want to?” Jordan asked softly
Steph unsure of what to say shyly  looked at him
“Get to know the real me? Ya know not who’s in magazines or  on stage ?” Jordan  clarified, suddenly appearing nervous.
”I-I’d like that very much “she stammered.
Knowing he made  her nervous ,Jordan stepped away from  the door frame he was leaning against as he   moved closer to her ,his face inches from hers .Steph could smell the mint from mouthwash and feel the warmth of his breath on her face.
“I didn't put Vic up to anything. He was being honest with you. Yes I am very  much divorced. The marriage was over a long time before the final decree.” he told her  softly his eyes looking out the window as if he didn’t know what else to say.
She stood there quietly unsure of what to say , feeling mixed emotions.
Why would he want to spend time with someone like me? But more importantly what exactly had Tiff told him? she wondered to herself.
Without another word he leaned over, gently  kissing her. ”Get a cat nap. I’m working on a few adventure ideas for us for  today “ he told her as he walked out the door to go back to his own room.

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