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A few hours later Steph sat chatting on the porch with Laura  and Tiffany  waiting for the car to pull up.
"I don't get why a month "Steph said zipping the bag after checking it for the third time.

“And what am I gonna tell work ? How do I explain that ?”
"Just enjoy it. You need the break and to have some  fun. Stop worrying about everything" Tiff told her
"You just wanna see Joey who you kidding ?" Steph teased as Laura snorted. Tiff rolled her eyes Just then an suv pulled up with  darkened windows. It wasn't an  unusual site to see in the city but the out of state plates gave it away. The driver got out identified himself as Patrick then explained that they would be flying out of the smaller local airport in the area instead of driving all the way into the city. He put there luggage in the back and helped them into their seats. The ride was a quiet and short one to Chester County airport .Patrick  pulled up to a small private plane where the pilot greeted them.
Once seated inside the driver stowed their luggage and bid them a safe flight. Steph looked nervously at Tiff.
Tiff was beyond  excited.
"I'm still not sure about this "she told her daughter nervously.
"It's going to be so much fun and you need to have some fun for once" Tiff told her.
"But a month?I mean I'm covered with work a .It  was  all arranged and taken care of according to the paperwork Victor handed her.
“I’m just a little stunned . There's like a week left of shows  ten days tops left of this tour"Steph anxiously reminded her daughter .
"Just go with it" Tiff told her
"Were you conspiring with him again? Or with Victor ?"Steph asked her skeptically.
"No" Tiff said getting frustrated at her mother's doubts. Sitting back in the seat Steph shut her mouth and settled in for the flight trying to calm her nerves. Just as she put headphones in and laid her head back on the seat her phone vibrated, Looking down she didn't know whether to panic and pick the phone up or just ignore it. Deciding it would be better for her to pick her phone up she answered  "Jordan?" she said looking at Tiff so she knew she needed to not say where they were or what they were doing .”

How'd your day go ? Jordan asked sounding tired,his voice  raspy .
"Busy but  good. Still on the bus?" Steph  asked nervously
"Yea for another hour or two then we'll be in Uniondale"
Steph calculated the length of the flight .They'd be getting there about the same time. Victor had  it arranged   so she and Tiff could relax in the hotel the night before the show. They had a little under twenty four hours until the show.
"You got quiet where'd you go just now ? Have you thought about what I mentioned about the remaining  shows ?"Jordan  asked hopefully.
"Oh I'm sorry just zoned out for a minute .I can't do any of them. They won't give me the time off from work. Seems there’s no one to cover my shifts “Steph lied.

"God damn it!” she heard him swear irritably before his tone became gentler
“ I was hoping you could come to the shows .But it is what it is . Just missing  you "Jordan admitted softly.
”I miss you too “Steph whispered hoping to soothe him
Jordan sighed irritably . Steph wondered if this was too much or if he would be hurt if he found out about their plan before she could surprise him.
“But the tour will be over soon .You’ll be able to relax and you and I both know we both have work to do.” She reminded him.
Once Steph was able to direct Jordan’s attention away from the topic of why she couldn’t attend they talked on the phone for most of the remainder of the flight.
”I guess I should go “Jordan  sighed “We’re just about at the next stop. Once I get a stable wifi connection we can skype that is if you’re ok with that “
Steph eyed Tiff smiling
“That would be ok “she told him before they hung up.
As soon as they hung up Steph  exhaled  a deep nervous  breath
“That was close huh?” Tiff laughed 
About ten minutes later the plane landed. They were greeted by another suv with darkened .windows and another kind driver  .He took their luggage, putting it in the back and opened the door for them to get in. They were driven to a hotel close to the arena .Her phone vibrated as they entered their  room which turned out to be a massive two bedroom suite with a sitting area .

Jordan We’re in Uniondale finally!! Just gotta get checked into the hotel for the night let me get to my room   then I’ll skype you 

Steph You’ve got to be  exhausted from the long ride don’t rush

Jordan Hell no I wanna talk to you I’ll skype soon 

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