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I'm not going anywhere" Jordan reassured  her. Nodding Steph walked  into the bathroom. After capping the test she washed her hands laying  the test  on the small table  watching  Jordan nervously.
He smiled at her. "Calm down sweetheart" He urged
She began to pace the floor nervously.
Three minutes
"Come here and sit down baby"   Jordan urged  patting the bed next to him She sat down although all she wanted to do was pace.
"I just don't want you to think I set out to trap you or something " she whispered.
"I don't think that" Jordan reassured her.
"I hope not "Steph  murmured, her eyes darting to the table knowing that it should be readable soon.
This was the longest three minutes of my life
Steph thought to herself
"So do you want to read it or do you want me to?" Jordan  asked softly
"My nerves are shot " Steph admitted honestly
"I'll check it" 
Jordan  got up off the bed   walking over to the table. He picked the test up and brought it over to the bed.
"We'll look together" Jordan  suggested
Steph nodded smiling nervously.
She wasn't this nervous any other time she had gotten pregnant .She couldn't understand why now. Then it hit her.
What if he didn't want a kid what if she'd end up in the same boat she was now a single parent.

Jordan  flipped the test over to reveal two pink lines. Jordan looked at her excitedly.
Nervously Steph met his gaze.
"Are you okay?" Jordan  asked
Hesitantly Steph nodded
"Are you ?" she asked nervously
"I'm great" he said with a huge smile."It could be a false result you know.
"It happens " she reminded him her mind still reverting back to the thought of single motherhood.
He didn't owe her anything. That much she knew.
"I'm pretty sure it isn't but we can make a doctor's appointment to make sure" he said hugging her tightly.
Steph  wasn't sure how to feel her emotions all over the place as her stomach  began rolling she pulled free of his arms and bolted to the bathroom again.
"It's not a false positive" Jordan  told  her softly.
Steph growled at him mid gag , slamming the bathroom door in his face Jordan couldn't help himself as he  chuckled
When Steph reemerged from the bathroom  she found Jordan sitting on the deck of their room.
"I didn't mean to growl at you or slam the door on you. Pretty childish thing to do."I'm sorry " Steph whispered wrapping her arms around Jordan's shoulders.
"I understand why you did it so it's okay. If you're thinking I'm going to leave you you're wrong. In fact, I want to make us official" Jordan told  her softly.

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